The keto diet offers many delicious and filling snacks that are both satisfying and convenient. Keep hard-boiled eggs on hand as an easy protein snack or try something more exotic such as cheese and avocado rolls for something different.
Or enjoy olives as a healthy source of fats, sodium, and other vital nutrients. A 3.5-ounce serving provides 145 calories with 10g fat (3g saturated fat), 3mg cholesterol, 11 grams of carbs (0 sugars 5 fiber).
Create an irresistible party snack with these meaty mozzarella and tomato skewers! Or go vegan by replacing the chicken with roasted vegetables or veggie-based patties!
Hard-Boiled Eggs
Eggs are an indispensable keto snack as they contain virtually no carbohydrates while providing plenty of protein and healthy fats, plus essential nutrients such as choline, vitamin D, selenium and riboflavin. Enjoy scrambled with breakfast oatmeal or chopped in an egg salad sandwich.
Make sure your eggs are the ideal texture by boiling them longer than usual on your stovetop method. This results in hard boiled eggs that are easy to peel, remaining fresh for up to one week in your refrigerator.
Add some crunch to your egg snacks by mixing in nuts! Nuts are rich in healthy fats that pair beautifully with egg dishes; try mixing almonds, walnuts or macadamia nuts together with hard boiled eggs for an impressive appetizer platter.
Guacamole can make an excellent egg replacement. Avocados provide both fat, fiber, and essential nutrients – the perfect ingredients to add for an eggless lunch or light snack! Simply mash half an avocado together with hard-boiled eggs sliced thin, add seasoning salt & pepper for an appealing and nutritious light meal!
Cheese makes a tasty keto snack because it contains essential calcium for bone and muscle health and often only trace amounts of carbs. Cheese can be enjoyed on its own or used to craft delicious treats such as cheese crisps — crunchy snack made of just one ingredient — shredded cheese! With simple instructions available online you can craft them at home using cheddar or parmesan varieties of cheese for optimal results.
Cheese can also be enjoyed as part of sandwiches, wraps or salads. Deli meats provide an excellent source of protein and can be combined with cheese slices and low-carbohydrate vegetables such as cucumber or bell pepper to form delicious meals that you can find at most grocery stores. Be mindful to seek out products with low sodium levels and additives.
One delicious keto-friendly savory option is this stuffed mushroom pizza alternative: perfect as an appetizer or light meal that’s quick and simple to make in advance. Fill your mushroom with anything from ham, artichoke hearts, spinach or cheese; even use tomato paste or mayonnaise as an adhesive to hold everything in place!
As a delicious keto snack, olives offer heart-healthy monounsaturated fats (MUFAs). Olives contain heart-healthy MUFAs which may reduce cancer risk as well as help regulate cholesterol and triglyceride levels while simultaneously lowering blood pressure.
Olives provide another advantage with their antioxidant phenolic compounds. These may help inhibit tumor growth, boost immunity and decrease inflammation.
Olives make an ideal snack or ingredient in salads, but beware those high in sodium, as this could cause bloating and other health complications.
Olives can help boost your daily fiber intake. One cup of olives provides approximately 1.5 grams of dietary fiber – which is great for digestive health as well as helping keep you feeling satisfied for longer! The fiber in olives also aids digestion while contributing to feeling fullness.
Jerky makes for an ideal keto snack as it contains low amounts of carbs while being an excellent source of protein, an essential nutrient needed to build muscles and keep metabolism running smoothly. Jerky can be found both at grocery stores as well as homemade. When purchasing it, look for options without added sugars or artificial additives.
For an enjoyable keto snack, avocados, coconut and berries make delicious options. All three fruits naturally low in carbs can be enhanced further when served with heavy whipping cream for extra calorie-boosting goodness! However, be wary not to overindulge in sweet keto treats, as too much could throw your macros out and prevent you from entering ketosis.
Cheese crisps are another delicious keto-friendly treat that are simple and quick to make at home, and can be customized with whatever flavorings are desired. Perfect for movie nights or road trips and pairing with low-carb dip, chia seeds add added fiber and minerals! Pickles can also make an excellent low-carb snack option and can help counter dehydration associated with keto flu symptoms – look for varieties free from sugar such as dill pickles or sour pickles that won’t derail your carb counts!
Protein Bars
Protein bars provide an easy and delicious way to meet daily protein needs, from chocolate-flavored protein bars and strawberry/strawberry/lemon/peanut butter varieties, all the way down to peanut butter varieties. Enjoy them as part of a meal or on their own in between meals as a satisfying energy source and filling snack!
When selecting a keto-friendly bar, be sure to inspect its ingredients and net carbs – which refers to total carbohydrates minus fiber and certain sugar alcohols – with less than five grams being optimal for keto diet consumption.
One option is to purchase a protein bar made with natural sweeteners like erythritol and monk fruit extract. When selecting such bars, make sure they contain sufficient proteins and fats in order to provide both energy and satiety simultaneously.
One option for supplementing MCT oil intake with protein and sugar is purchasing a bar that contains Bulletproof Brain Octane oil – this MCT-rich oil offers 10-13 grams of protein with only 2-3 grams of added sugar, including tasty treats like Vanilla Shortbread, Crazy Rich Chocolate or Lemon Matcha flavors.
The keto diet encourages eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, especially dark leafy greens rich in folate, an important B vitamin that supports heart health while also protecting against certain birth defects. Potassium helps lower blood pressure. Add spinach, kale or Swiss chard to soups and sauces or saute it with garlic pepper olive oil before using it for low-carb wraps and sandwiches.
Nutritious snacks can help ensure that ketosis occurs and remains sustainable, or serve as meal substitutes when time-constrained meal preparation prevents healthy meal planning.
Strive to locate low-carb snacks from the produce section that provide protein, fats and fiber – such as those without added sugars – in order to meet your nutritional requirements and reach ketosis more effectively.
The keto diet can be challenging, but with the right snacks you can stay on track with your goals. Ideal snacks are those which are salty, sweet or savory with high levels of fats and moderate protein levels while still being low carb – although be wary of ones containing excessive sodium as this could trigger bloating or worsen symptoms of the keto flu.
Nuts make an excellent keto snack option, including almonds, cashews, brazil nuts, pistachios and walnuts. Trail mixes pre-packaged or mixed yourself using different nuts with salt, paprika or pepper can also make great keto snacks.
Bacon makes for an irresistibly tasty keto snack. Opt for brands without sugar and artificially-sourced nitrates/nitrites such as Pederson’s Natural Farms bacon to ensure no artificial additives. Bacon’s high monounsaturated fat content reduces cardiovascular disease risks.
Fruit is an ideal keto dieters’ source of nutrition and most can be enjoyed on-the-go. Berries such as strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries provide plenty of low-carb nutrition with plenty of vitamin C, potassium and fiber benefits!