An ideal keto snack should contain high amounts of fat while being low in carbohydrates in order to maximize ketones production. Avoid processed “low carb” products which include sugar or other ingredients which could interfere with ketone levels.
Olives are packed with heart-healthy fats and an excellent source of fiber and other vital nutrients, adding an extra boost of flavor when served alongside herbed full-fat creme fraiche.
1. Broth
A cup of broth can be an easy and quick keto snack that provides energy between meals. To maximize its benefits, aim for something low-carb and rich in proteins and fats like beef stock or chicken bone broth; when selecting brands look for those made using minimal ingredients and additives.
Another high-fat and low-carb keto snack option is roasted nuts or seeds, whether prepackaged varieties are suitable or you make your own at home. Just be wary when purchasing packaged snacks as some contain trans-fats or excessive sodium levels that could compromise keto diet.
Canned sardines make an easy and nutritious keto snack option that is low in carbs yet high in protein. One serving (about 4 ounces) provides more than half your daily omega-3 fatty acid requirements and vitamin D requirements – make sure they use olive oil rather than sunflower or canola oil to ensure they fit the keto lifestyle!
Shrimp can make for a delightful keto snack when prepared using your preferred dry rub. Grill over fresh greens or add chunks of peppers and onions for an irresistibly tasty and nutrient-rich keto treat!
Keto granola bars make an excellent on-the-go snack option that provides you with protein, fats and carbs in just the right combination to keep you satisfied until your next meal. Perfect Keto offers grain-free bars in tasty varieties such as Chocolate Hazelnut and Snickerdoodle; each contains just 1-3 net carbs and 3-6 grams of protein!
2. Pork Rinds
Pork rinds have quickly become one of the fastest-growing snack foods in the US, especially among people following low-carb diets like Atkins or keto (ketogenic) or Paleo diets. Made from pork skin and often deep fried in lard for added flavor and puffy texture, pork rinds make an ideal keto snack as they contain no carbohydrates yet are high in fat content – ideal for people following Atkins Diet or ketogenic/Paleo diets!
Chicharones (aka pork crackling, pork scratchings or chicharones) are delicious low-carb snacks that make an ideal low-carb alternative to potato chips. Available at most grocery and convenience stores – though some brands contain flavor enhancers or preservatives – chicharones can even be easily made at home either using an oven or air fryer!
These tasty snacks can be enjoyed alone or dunked into various dips and sauces for an exciting treat, especially guacamole, Crock Pot rotel dip, fresh tomato salsa or taco dip. Furthermore, these crunchy snacks make an excellent base for nachos or even serving as coatings on fish or turkey meatballs!
Olives make an enjoyable and healthy keto snack option when they’re uncanned and contain minimal additives. Rich in vitamin E, they have been linked with reduced risks of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and diabetes; additionally a 28-gram serving provides no carbs while being high in monounsaturated fat content.
3. Cheese
Cheese is an ideal keto snack because it provides high levels of fat, moderate levels of protein, and very few carbs. Full-fat options like mozzarella sticks and string cheese are deliciously satisfying snacks; try creamy Philadelphia cream cheese which contains low amounts of carbs while providing probiotics and vitamin D benefits; for something heartier consider canned sardines packed in olive oil (Keto diet researcher Dom D’Agostino suggests Wild Planet as one brand to consider).
Healthy keto snacks involve avoiding foods that are highly processed and high in carbohydrates – this includes most store-bought fruit snacks, yogurt cups and frozen treats. Instead, aim for snacks containing keto-friendly proteins, vegetables and enough fats to reach your daily caloric target.
An amazing keto snack can be found in a delicious salad, especially one filled with lots of fatty meat. For an easy yet delicious salad that can be assembled quickly, combine greens with chopped cooked chicken or beef and some Parmesan cheese before tossing onto plates. For additional texture add in some roasted pumpkin seeds or pistachios as garnish!
If you’re craving a crunchy treat, look no further than an artisan-crafted cheese crisps bag. Perfectly keto-friendly, these baked not fried treats contain no MSG or preservatives, with only 2 grams of net carbs per serving!
Making low-carb snacks on your own is an effective way to ensure they adhere to keto principles. Here are a few recipes for keto snacks to get you started:
4. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is an integral component of the keto diet, providing essential protein-rich calories to help fill you up while providing beneficial bacteria and active cultures to aid in digestion. A half cup of plain store-bought Greek yogurt has 4g net carbs and 9g protein. You can customize it further with toppings such as fruit, chocolate shavings or nuts if necessary to satisfy hunger cravings and control hunger pangs. When on keto it is wise to opt for plain varieties since flavored varieties often contain added sugars and carbs that could compromise results in weight gain or gain.
Add flavor and nutrition to your yogurt by mixing in vanilla or chocolate flavored protein powder – be sure to opt for one without maltodextrin and other unhealthy preservatives like maltodextrin – with natural, whole fat coconut or Greek yogurt (using almond or soy milk for Keto). Or for an extra kick, sprinkle chopped walnuts or cinnamon into it!
One delicious way to enjoy yogurt is turning it into a frozen treat! Instead of purchasing high-sugar and high-carb ice cream, make your own low-carb Froyo by mixing frozen blueberries, natural full-fat Greek Yogurt Skyr, ground Chia Seeds and your desired sweetener into one delicious Lemon Flavored Froyo!
As part of your weight management efforts, it is crucial that you keep within the daily carb limit when selecting snacks on a keto diet. While there are a variety of delicious options to enjoy while staying on track with your goals; pastries and cookies that contain high levels of carbohydrates could tip over into exceeding this daily limit; instead choose more nutritious and protein-rich options like eggs, cheese, or meat instead.
5. Celery
Celery is an easy, low-carb vegetable to add into a keto-friendly diet, perfect for raw consumption or dips containing keto-friendly ingredients. Celery boasts abundant potassium, dietary fiber, vitamins A and C as well as flavonoids with antioxidant properties to boost heart health and help promote memory function while protecting from depression and anxiety. Furthermore, its seeds contain L-3-nbutylphthalide an extract which promotes memory function while simultaneously combatting depression and anxiety.
Nuts and seeds provide an abundance of protein, fats, antioxidants and magnesium – perfect as a keto snack! For optimal nutrition choose unsalted nuts that have not been roasted to get maximum nutrition from them.
Fruit can make for an ideal keto snack, but be mindful to limit your consumption of high-sugar fruits like bananas. Instead, choose low-sugar options like blueberries and strawberries instead.
Make this keto stuffed celery snack as a quick and tasty nutrient-rich snack in just 15 minutes with only minimal ingredients required – cream cheese, everything bagel seasoning and an optional (but highly recommended!) keto Buffalo sauce are just three tasty ingredients needed to complete this tasty snack! One serving provides 172 calories, 3 grams of protein and one gram of carbs!
Add peanut butter to celery for a tasty, protein-packed snack that is keto-friendly, yet low in carbohydrates. Choose natural peanut butter without added sugars as this option provides optimal keto nutrition. Alternatively, try topping off this keto snack with almonds or macadamia nuts for extra protein while staying on keto!