A keto diet can reduce carb intake. But according to one recent study, these low-carb, high-fat “keto” diets may increase LDL cholesterol levels and double your risk for cardiovascular events like heart attacks and blocked arteries.
Brian Forrestal of Atlantic Health System cardiology recommends adopting a Mediterranean-style diet consisting of veggies, olive oil, low glycemic fruit and lean proteins for maximum health benefits. Also regularly check your biomarkers, such as cholesterol levels.
Grass-Fed Butter
Grass-fed butter offers both richer taste and nutritional benefits that outstrip those found in regular butter. Packed with heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids to reduce inflammation – one of the primary factors contributing to heart disease and other chronic health conditions – it tends to have less saturated fat and higher monounsaturated fat, making grass-fed butter from grass-fed cows an overall healthier choice than its conventional counterpart.
Integrating grass-fed butter into your meals and beverages is an easy way to boost their heart-healthy effects. Use it for cooking, baking, spreading on toast or vegetables or mixing with other healthy fats (nut butters) for an unforgettable smoothie containing only good fats – you won’t miss it.
Butter may seem high-calorie, but one small serving is actually an excellent source of essential fats and vitamins. Grass-fed butter provides more vitamin A for eye health and immune support as well as more omega-3 fatty acid linoleic acid which has been proven to protect against cardiovascular diseases.
Another great benefit of adding grass-fed butter to your diet is its high concentration of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). CLA has numerous health benefits including reduced inflammation and muscle growth support; increased energy levels; boosted metabolism for weight loss; as well as butyrate that aids digestion and supports gut health.
grass-fed butter contains more medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which quickly turn into energy for your cells and can help keep you feeling full and energized throughout the day. MCTs are especially helpful for people following heart-healthy keto diets as they promote weight loss while supporting brain health.
Integrating grass-fed butter into meals and recipes is an easy and delicious way to add more nutrients into your diet. Just keep in mind that butter still contains many calories and fat; therefore it’s best to limit yourself to one tablespoon at any given time to prevent overindulgence.
Almond Flour Bread
Almond flour can make an excellent alternative to wheat flour in recipes. Although its texture varies slightly from that of traditional wheat flour, almond flour still offers ample protein and fats, making this satisfying bread choice all the more so!
Almond Flour Bread makes for an irresistibly delicious breakfast treat when served topped with some butter or jam, and can also make an ideal afternoon snack when enjoyed both toasted or alone! Plus, its versatility means you can even use it to craft tasty sandwiches and wraps!
This easy almond bread recipe takes less than an hour to put together and requires no yeast! Plus, it’s dairy- and gluten-free–perfect for Paleo diets!
Start by mixing together the dry ingredients (almond flour, baking powder and salt) in a large bowl. Next, combine your wet ingredients (buttermilk, eggs and melted coconut oil). Finally, add your dry mixture to the wet ingredients and combine until everything has come together.
Before adding dry ingredients to wet ones, it’s essential that all the dry ones be mixed thoroughly so as to achieve a more airy batter.
An essential tip when making almond flour bread is waiting until it cools before cutting into it. As soon as it comes out of the oven, almond flour bread tends to be more fragile and could crumble easily when cut while hot – to prevent this, wrap the loaf in foil and continue baking it for 15 more minutes if necessary.
Make this almond flour bread even healthier by including other healthy add-ins like flax seeds, hemp seeds or chia seeds for additional nutrition! Additionally, adjust its sweetness with more or less honey as desired!
This bread is extremely simple to make and tastes fantastic! Perfect with butter or jam for breakfast or as part of a savory meal – making this versatile recipe easy enough that it keeps in the refrigerator for days at a time!
Cinnamon Bombs
If you love sweet and cinnamon-y foods, this heart healthy keto snack may be just what you’ve been searching for! Crafted with coconut oil and spices for maximum nutrition and an easy-to-carry design, this freeze-dried taffy makes an excellent treat to enjoy at any time – be it at work, school, or at home!
This snack is free from gluten, grains and legumes; vegan-friendly; free from nut butter (ideal for those with allergies or intolerances); refined sugar free as it uses monk fruit sweetener; and uses monk fruit as its sweetener.
Made of all-natural ingredients such as essential oils and without artificial colors or flavors, it features an alluring fragrance created by the combination of Sri Lankan cinnamon bark, delectable vanilla bean, and almond. This calming, soothing, and relaxing aroma can reinvigorate any living space and bring more energy and wakefulness. Available in various scents and sizes to meet individual needs – with each bag triple sealed to guarantee its freshness – making this ideal for on-the-go snacks or sweetening up coffee or tea with ease!
Avocados are an extremely satiating high-fat food packed with fiber. Avocados make an excellent heart-healthy addition to the keto diet, which emphasizes fat over carbohydrates. As an excellent source of monounsaturated fats that lower LDL and triglyceride levels while increasing HDL ones; furthermore they’re rich in potassium which is known to lower blood pressure; plus their dietary fiber promotes satiety and helps manage appetite!
Avocados are a nutrient-rich source, boasting vitamins K, E, folate, magnesium, potassium and zinc. A serving of avocado contains up to seven grams of fiber which makes up an impressive percentage of daily recommended intake for most adults. Avocados also contain unique fat molecule called avocatin B which boosts metabolism and fat-burning; additionally it also improves digestion and detoxification processes.
A 100-gram serving of avocado provides 114 calories, 10.5 grams of fat and 5.5 net carbs – it’s an excellent source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids and polyphenols as well as vitamins K, folate and C – not to mention being packed full of lutein and zeaxanthin – both proven macular degeneration prevention agents!
Avocados contain fat that promotes faster satiation and are low-calorie density foods, making them great tools to maintain a healthy weight. Their soluble fiber can also promote regularity and prevent constipation while their insoluble fiber supports digestive health through gut bacteria production.
Avocados are an excellent source of potassium, an essential mineral for maintaining normal blood pressure and lowering risks associated with high blood pressure, such as kidney disease, stroke and heart disease. Eating avocados regularly can also help regulate blood sugar and balance electrolytes – and adding them to a ketogenic diet may make reaching nutritional ketosis easier – potentially helping prevent spikes in blood sugar. Just be wary to consume avocados moderately as their sodium content could lead to fluid retention issues.