Active TB disease or tuberculosis, is an infection that occurs in one’s system taking hold either in one’s lungs or other parts of the body. Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatment options for this condition.
Tuberculosis or TB in short, is an infection brought on by the mycobacterium and is an ailment that can be treated and cured over time. Some people don’t experience any of the symptoms of this condition since the bacteria remain inactive while in the system, thus being termed latent tuberculosis, since it hasn’t been in a state to cause one’s body from reacting to the damage. Once it is active, it can spread to one’s lungs and can perforate it, leaving a hole.
Pulmonary TB is what the condition is termed as once it has made its way into the cavity of the lungs. People who are most susceptible to the detriment of tuberculosis are those who have low body weight, are cancer patients suffering from neck/head types of this disease, going through medical treatments that can cause problems that lead up to TB, those with kidney disease, Hodgkin’s disease, silicosis or leukemia.
Active TB Disease Causes
The causes don’t always have to be rooted within another disease or problem that can affect the immune system to take a back seat. Those who get TB are perfectly healthy people, but who are easily exposed to the bacterium. It is contagious in nature and can be inhaled into the system or contracted if one uses another’s items that may have the bacterium on it. Anything from clothes and linens to utensils and food, can bring on a case of tuberculosis. It is important to always wash utensils thoroughly and separate the infected person’s things from your own. Isolation is the key here until those who suffer from TB recover.
Active TB Disease Symptoms
A lot of people aren’t aware that they carry around the bacterium that causes TB, that can spread to others unknowingly within a household or in public, since these can still be contagious if not obviously evident. It is important to have tests done in order to be able to find out if one is infected with latent tuberculosis, have it dealt with and taken care of immediately to avoid passing it on to others that come into contact with you. Those who experience the signs of this infection, will notice that these recurring signals will help you gauge as to whether you suffer from active TB or not.
- Pain residing in the chest area
- Loss of weight without any reason
- Fever
- Feeling fatigued or weak
- Appetite decrease
- Night sweats
- Chills
- Brownish material coughed up, or sometimes blood
- Coughing that lasts for more than 3 weeks
Active TB Disease Treatment
It is important to have yourself tested and treated in time, for fear of the disease-spreading to other parts of the body and reaching critical levels. Those who have TB should have an HIV test done, since patients can suffer from symptoms that are much worse when infected with HIV. There are medications to help with the infection making sure bacteria can be destroyed, where the medicines can also prevent the bacteria from becoming resistant to the medications. These medicines include Ethambutol, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide and Rifampin.
Treatment can last from 6 months to up to 12 in some cases. It is important to stay indoors and away from those who can be infected. Kids have to avoid going to school and adults need to stay put at home. Regular tests are taken in the future to ensure that all the bacterium is taken care of. Also take note of the side effects that you may experience while taking the medications, and bring these to your doctor’s notice to have it sorted. Once you start off on your treatment and do what has been directed by your doctor/nurse, you will beat the infection and resume your healthy self.
Active TB is curable provided that you take action once you’re diagnosed with the infection. Be sure to be on the look out for the symptoms and have these checked out immediately to save yourself and others from moving further into the grasp of the disease. Have a safe tomorrow.