Recovery from adhesive capsulitis does take a long time. However, with exercises the time taken for recovery can be reduced to a great extent. The exercises are simple, but it is important to do them regularly for a faster recovery.
When a person loses the ability to move his/her shoulder in any direction without pain, the condition is called adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder. In other words, it is also known as frozen shoulder syndrome. The name can be due to the fact, that the shoulder becomes stiff and movement, whatsoever, is not possible. The symptoms include inability to reach one or both the hands up towards the sky, in front, out to the sides, etc. The connective tissue in the shoulder joint tightens and the movement of the joints is restricted. If the shoulder joint has been inactive for an extended period due to another injury, like rotator cuff injury, broken arm, etc., it gives rise to this condition. This condition is commonly seen in people above the age of 40, especially in case of women. The treatment for this condition involves a few exercises to be done regularly.
Before you begin with the exercises, your health care professional may use a non-surgical process, which will help in breaking up the scar tissue. Using hot compress before the exercises, will help in loosening of the joint tissue.
Exercise #1
This is one of the frozen shoulder stretches. It is a simple stretch for shoulder pain. Stand up straight. Clasp hold of both your hands behind your back. Keep your arms straight and also closer to your body. Gradually raise your hands upwards. When you reach the point from where you cannot go any further, hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds and slowly release the stretch. This stretching exercise can be repeated three to four times for better relief.
Exercise #2
Place the palm of the affected side of the shoulder on the opposite shoulder, ensuring that the arm is parallel to the floor. With the other arm, try to bring the affected elbow towards the chest. This should be done gently. Hold the position for 20 to 30 seconds before you release and repeat the stretch a few times.
Exercise #3
This is a simple, yet the most effective exercise for a frozen shoulder. You can do this exercise even when you are at work. Sit on a chair sideways. Place your armpit of the affected shoulder on the backrest of the chair. Gradually, make small circles with your arm. After a few small circles, you can make bigger circles as well. Ensure that the circles are done in both, clockwise and anticlockwise direction.
Exercise #4
This exercise can be included in your daily routine easily. For that, you will have to place all the things on higher shelves so that you will stretch your arms to reach up to those things regularly throughout the day, which in turn will help you exercise your shoulders.
Along with the exercises mentioned above, doing a wide range of motion throughout the day will be of great help in relieving the condition. Before you do the exercises, consult your health care professional about the same. Applying ice to the affected area after the exercise will be of great help in relieving the condition.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only and does not, in any way, intend to replace the advice of a medical professional.