There are numerous affordable health insurance policies available in the United States. SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program) is one of the unique health insurances offered by both the federal and state government. You are also provided with the facility to combine your family health insurance with child health insurance… Read more in this HealthHearty article.
Health insurance for children is meant for the betterment of your child’s future. You can avail this policy individually for the child or combine it with your already existed family health insurance. Some parents look for temporary insurance plan while others pre-planned for affordable insurance schemes before or immediately after the birth of their child.
Points to consider before going for a child health insurance
There are ‘n’ number of health insurance policies available in each state. While choosing any of these affordable health insurance plans, first of all you need to focus on the policy that will be ideal for your child. You need to choose a policy depending on your child’s age and your family income.
Secondly, find out the low cost health policy that charge a minimum premium. If you are ready for such policies, then you have to check out the second, third, and subsequent years of premium. Sometimes, you might find such deals to be unaffordable later if the policy demands filing of high premiums in the subsequent months.
Some insurance companies provide coverage for dental, mental health and hearing loss treatment along with the surgery, emergency, or checkups as well as hospital facility, etc. Here, you need to examine whether your child can avail all the facilities mentioned in the insurance policy.
Fourthly, find out the percentage deductible in this plan. The deductible is an amount of income you need to pay; rest of the total income is paid by the insurance company. E.g. if the total medical billing amount is $2050 and deductible amount is $105, then 2050-105=$1945 is the amount paid by the insurance company and $105 is paid by you as a deductible amount.
While selecting the health care insurance for your child, you have to find out new policies that are available in the market. Decide the appropriate policy and collect all the necessary documents like identity proof, citizenship, and other documents to support your eligibility.
Some health insurance policies allow combining – both the individual and family insurance. Usually, family health insurance is the best policy due to its flexibility. These policies will also allow you to include your newly born baby if your family health plan has been sanctioned already. A family health insurance plan is much cheaper because of low premium, fixed network of doctors, and medical services. These medical services are also available nearby your home. Therefore, people who combine child and family policies together will definitely be profited.
Last but not least, if you have experienced negative results or any bad experience from your previous insurance policy, it is better to quit the plan as earliest as possible. Here, you need to complete essential procedure and conditions mentioned by the insurance company.
Insurance Polices in the United States
CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program, Reauthorization Act 2009)
Recently, President Barack Obama has signed the Public law 111-3 under Children’s Health Insurance Program Reauthorization Act 2009. This act allows uninsured children to be eligible for Medicaid during 2009 to 2013. CHIP health program will keep a regular medical record, define health quality measures and avail dental coverage for children. The government promises to pay the amount up to 15 to 62.5 percent of the maximum expenses required for the child health benefits.
SCHIP (State Children’s Health Insurance Program)
A family that earns up to $34,100 yearly, can apply for SCHIP, for the children under 18. SCHIP is associated with the United States Department of Health and Human Services, and helps the families who are unable to file for Medicaid. This program is very affordable with less cost or no cost at all to the family. Your child will get a regular doctor’s visit within well-planned network of doctors, hospital and vaccinations facilities.
Medicaid is for low income families applying for child insurance. It is funded by the states as well as by federal. It is more advantageous when you are looking for the coverage as well as health care. The main motive of Medicaid is to provide various services like therapy, certified school match, and early preventions.
Maine Care
Today, Maine care is in demand due to its versatile advantages. This policy includes children below 19 and pregnant women, which is the unique advantage of Maine care unlike other insurance schemes. Other facilities are hospitalization, case management, eye care, prescription drugs, regular checkups and doctors’ visit. Moreover, Maine care costs very less premium near about $8 to $64 per month. You are also permitted to renew your previous policy after every 12 months.
There are other private insurances policies available like health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO) and managed care. Also you will find policies according to states i.e. San Antonio, Texas, Tampa, California children’s health insurances, etc. CDF (Children Defense Fund) is for the poor or orphan children.
Parents who wish to go for a short-term policy for their kids because of its inexpensiveness, are suggested to select only those plans, that provide immediate services like emergencies, accidents, surgery and billings. Most of the time, few insurance companies exist for a short time, like one to six months. Since your child is too young to face any health problems, it is your responsibility to take proper care of his/her health through regular checkups. Thus, it better to go for reliable and long-lasting health insurance plans mentioned above that ensure a healthy future for your child.