Side effects of this medication can manifest in the form of dizziness, nausea, and minor headache. Abnormal heart rhythm and high blood pressure is pointing towards the fact that the dosage given is abnormally high.
Respiratory disorders like asthma and bronchitis diagnosed in children and adults are notorious for causing breathing problems. Even infants experience trouble breathing due to some sort of lung infection. This happens because air passages that allow free flow of air from and to the lungs become narrow. As a result, the person finds it difficult to breathe properly.
In order to unblock the obstruction of airways, the most commonly prescribed medication is albuterol sulfate. Bronchospasms, that cause sudden constriction of airways, can be treated with this medicine. The airways dilate upon administration of albuterol sulfate. Like any other medication, albuterol sulfate is not free from side effects. In most cases, the side effects aren’t serious and go away without any treatment.
Albuterol sulfate can be administered in a variety of ways and is not restricted to intake of tablets. The medication is available as an inhaler, which is most preferred as it causes immediate relief. Sometimes, it is given through a nebulizer in which the liquid form of albuterol sulfate is transformed into a mist for inhalation. Apart from albuterol nebulizer, it is also sold as a syrup and is taken orally to ease the symptoms of respiratory disorders.
Minor side effects of the medication mentioned below last only for a temporary period and as such, do not demand medical intervention. They usually go away within a few minutes but may take hours before they finally vanish. In case the side effects keep on bothering you for over a week, it is time to consult a doctor.
Dizziness or feeling of vertigo is one of the minor side effects of this medication and is more common among people who are inhaling or taking it with nebulizer. Some patients complain about minor to moderate headache after administering the medication. Albuterol sulfate can also cause nausea, which may lead to vomiting. There have been cases wherein people shiver or tremble after giving the prescribed dosage. Dryness in throat followed by cough is one of the most common side effects of albuterol sulfate nebulizer. Taking the medication with nebulizer can irritate the throat and cause dryness and runny nose. Difficulty sleeping is yet another issue associated with use of this medication.
If normal dosage of this medicine is causing side effects, how can an albuterol overdose be considered to be safe? Too much of albuterol sulfate may cause severe chest pain and headache. In some cases, blood pressure shoots up drastically and this may lead to disturbances in vision, irregular heartbeats, and ringing in ears. Accidentally administering high dose of albuterol sulfate can lead to contraction of airways, thereby causing breathing problems. Potassium concentration can also slide down drastically, which may give rise to muscle weakness, unbearable thirst, and the urge to urinate frequently.
Allergic Reaction
Allergic response to the drug are severe and require medical intervention at the earliest. This indicates the body’s nonacceptance towards use of albuterol sulfate. If a person is allergic to this medication, he is bound to complain about trouble breathing. Besides breathing problems, one may notice swelling on the face and tongue. Skin problems in the form of hives and rash can also occur.
People with pre-existing medical conditions like hyperthyroidism, seizures, and diabetes should refrain from using this medicine. This is because, these medical problems worsen upon taking this medication. Drug interactions of albuterol sulfate with antidepressants, diuretics, and beta-blockers can also cause some bothersome side effects. So, informing the doctor about the medicines you are taking, prior to albuterol dosage is necessary.
Although, albuterol sulfate is an effective solution to relieve breathing problems, the patient’s health has to be monitored to check for any side effects. In case of any side effects, it should be immediately brought to the notice of the concerned doctor. Reducing the dosage many times works to keep side effects at bay.