An antifungal diet is recommended for those, who are suffering from any kind of fungal infection caused by dermatophytes or yeast. Given below are a few sample meal plans along with a separate list of foods that you can consult.
Yeast is normally found in the human body and thrives on sugar. However, there are certain conditions that cause an overgrowth of yeast, resulting in a fungal infection. This may include infections, like athlete’s foot, nail infections, candidiasis, ringworm on the body or scalp, mycosis, etc. These infections are caused due to various reasons, like wearing tight clothing, being diabetic or overweight, and overuse of antibiotics. Immediate symptoms of such infections are observed in the form of fever, loose motions, or acid reflux. Fungal infection can be treated with the help of creams, lotions, shampoos, and tablets. Nevertheless, in most cases, an antifungal diet is recommended along with medication.
What Is an Antifungal Diet?
An antifungal diet is advocated for two prominent reasons:
(1) The diet plan is designed in such a manner that intake of nutrients that are used by the fungi are curtailed; and
(2) Food products that have antifungal properties are included in the diet. In addition to that, such a diet effectively aids the immune system to eliminate the invading fungus. Individuals with a healthy immune system are able to fight a fungal infection; however, the ones with a weaker immune system are unable to do so. Hence, a diet that improves one’s immunity is recommended to these individuals. Also, since the yeast thrives on sugars in the human body, the diet plan suggests a low sugar intake. Undermentioned are a few sample plans for you to take a look at.
Sample Meal Plan I
1 cup herbal tea
Quinoa flakes porridge
Mid-morning Snack
Few almonds or cashews, and one apple
Chicken soup
Spinach omelet with green salad and sprouted lentils
Mid-afternoon Snack
Hummus with oat cakes
Fresh mixed vegetable salad comprising cucumber, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, tomatoes, and lettuce with no dressing
Grilled chicken or fish
Bedtime Snack
1 cup yogurt
Sample Meal Plan II
1 cup herbal tea
Rice porridge
Mid-morning Snack
1 cup grapes or blueberries
Green salad
Lentil soup
Chickpea curry
Mid-afternoon Snack
A handful of sunflower seeds
Beans and rice
Bedtime Snack
Celery sticks with peanut butter
Foods to Include
- Garlic
- Sunflower seeds
- Radish
- Lettuce
- Lentils
- Rice bran
- Rice
- Probiotics
- Bell pepper
- Beef
- Garlic
- Chicken
- Yogurt
- Millet
- Oat bran
- Chickpeas
- Onions
- Celery
- Almonds
- Quinoa
- Buckwheat
Foods to Avoid
- Soy sauce
- Walnuts
- Pasta
- Rye
- Wheat
- Barley
- Malt
- Bananas
- Chocolates
- Candies
- Honey
- Cakes
- Pastries
- Cookies
- Gum
- Apples
- Alcohol
- products
- Mushrooms
- Barley
- Vinegar
- Peanuts
- Pistachios
- Ketchup
- Cheese
A fungal infection can be easily prevented by making simple changes in your habits. Make sure you maintain a good hygiene by wearing clean footwear, washing your hair regularly, clipping your nails, etc. Also, pay attention to your clothing. It is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing to avoid fungal infections.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informational purposes only and does not attempt to replace the advice offered by a professional on the subject. It is best to consult a dietitian before introducing any changes in your diet plan.