Do you want to know what are the various aphasia types? This article will give you all the information about the different types of aphasia. Read on and learn more about it.
The term Aphasia has been derived from the Greek word aphatos, which means ‘speechless’. It is a language or a communication disorder, where the language part of the brain or that part of the brain which is responsible for the language, is either injured or damaged. This section of the brain, is on the left side of the brain. Here are the various causes as well as the types of Aphasia.
The damage might occur due to several reasons:
- Stroke, due to which blood fails to reach this particular part of the brain. As a result brain cells also do not receive any oxygen, thus leading to the death of the brain cells.
- A severe blow to the head might also damage this part of the head.
- Any kind of infection or a tumor in the brain, also leads to Aphasia.
These damages the whole process of expression and understanding of a language as well as reading and writing are also affected. This problem might occur to anyone; men, women, children as well as old people. There are many people suffering from this problem.
Types of Aphasia
Wernicke Aphasia
The Wernicke Aphasia is also known as the ‘Receptive Aphasia’ OR the ‘Fluent Aphasia’ OR the ‘Sensory Aphasia’. In this case the middle left side of the brain (the language dominant part of the brain) is damaged, thus leading to this condition. A person suffering from this type of problem, can form long sentences, but with certain difficulties.
The sentence may or may not make any sense and sometimes, they might not even be aware that what they are saying is not making any sense at all. They just put together a series of words (which might mean nothing to us) and make up, what they think is a sensible sentence. People with this Aphasia type, face difficulty in understanding what others are trying to say too. The ability to read, also deteriorates while the writing of the person becomes abnormal. One will not notice any kind of physical symptoms in this case.
Broca’s Aphasia
This type of Aphasia, is also known as the ‘Non Fluent Aphasia’ OR ‘Expressive Aphasia’ OR ‘Motor Aphasia’. It occurs due to damage in the front part of the brain, the part that is the dominant area for human language. A person suffering from this type of Aphasia, will have difficulty to form complete sentence and sometimes also leave out prepositions like ‘is’, ‘an’ etc.
They also make mistakes when it comes to following directions like ‘left’, ‘right’ and so on. These people are however able to follow what others are saying without much difficulty. They face problem in reading and sometimes while writing, they fail to retrieve words from their brain. Unlike the Fluent Aphasia, these people are however aware that they are saying the wrong things.
Global Aphasia
This is a severe case of both the above Aphasia; fluent and non fluent; combined together. In this case the person loses his total ability to either talk or write or even read. The person with this problem faces difficulty in understanding even simple words and sentences. They will also face problems in framing a correct and sensible sentence and can only get a few words at a time. Just because they face this problem, they might stop communicating totally. They should be encouraged to keep talking, even if they are saying the wrong things; cause only then can they solve this problem.
Anomia Aphasia
These types of Aphasia are also known as ‘Nominal Aphasia’ OR ‘Anomic Aphasia’ OR ‘Amnesic Aphasia’. Whenever some trauma affects the brain of a person, he might suffer from this kind of a problem. In this case, the person faces difficulty in recalling words in order to frame a correct sentence while talking or writing.
These were the 4 main types of aphasia that many people suffer from. If a person you know (or even a stranger) suffers from this problem, then do not make fun of them. If they are encouraged to keep talking, irrespective of the huge number of mistakes, one day they will improve. There are some treatments which your doctor can help you with.