Arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Certain foodstuffs are believed to either aggravate or reduce the symptoms of arthritis. In this article, you will find a list of foods safe for arthritis and also those to be avoided.
Stiffness, swelling in joints and joint pain are the symptoms experienced when a person suffers from arthritis. There are various types of arthritis. The most common ones being gout, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis can be found in case of people belonging to any age group. Although there is no complete cure for arthritis, there are several methods that can be helpful for getting relief. One of them is the arthritis diet which is recommended for people to repress symptoms of arthritis.
Arthritis Diet
Diet can alleviate or even worsen the symptoms of arthritis. People suffering from arthritis observe that the symptoms of arthritis are aggravated on consuming certain foodstuff. Such foodstuffs should be avoided. Let us take a look at the list of foods to be consumed and those to be avoided in the diet for arthritis.
This is only a guideline. It is recommended to consult a doctor before following this diet or making drastic changes in your daily diet.
Foods to Avoid with Arthritis
- You must avoid fats and cholesterol containing foodstuffs like red meat and poultry. Dairy products like whole milk, cheese, and butter also contain high cholesterol and phosphorous, and hence, should be excluded from the arthritis diet.
- It is advisable to avoid refined wheat and wheat products like wheat bread. It contains phosphorous and can aggravate arthritis. Corn should also be avoided.
- Avoid having tomatoes, bell pepper, and eggplant, as some people have reported reduced joint pain after avoiding these foods completely.
- Other foods that you need to avoid as a diet for arthritis pain relief are excess sugar and salt-containing foods. Abstain from having soft drinks with a lot of sugar, cookies, sodas; salt-containing foods like fries, etc. You must also avoid having too much coffee as it contains caffeine. Excess alcohol can aggravate gout. Citrus fruits like orange or lemon must be completely avoided.
On the other hand, when eating out, it is essential to know the ingredients of foods and avoid consuming foods containing the above mentioned ingredients. On the other hand, some foods are believed to reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Following is a list of foods that can be safely consumed when suffering from arthritis.
Foods Good for Arthritis
- Arthritis diet is a pure vegetarian diet. Therefore, try to reduce the intake of meat or avoid it completely.
- Foods that contain high polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially the omega-3 fatty acid, are very essential to reduce joint pain and other symptoms of arthritis. Fish like tuna, herring, mackerel, and salmon are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Similarly, walnuts, avocado, and soybeans also contain omega-3 fatty acids.
- Having fresh fruits (like apples, kiwi, mango, peach, strawberries, etc.) and vegetables (like broccoli, collard, spinach, sweet potatoes, etc) helps in relieving symptoms of arthritis. They contain many beneficial nutrients that are required by the body. They help improve the overall health of a person.
- You must have vegetable soups, juices and herbal teas. Try to eat fresh and healthy foodstuffs, avoiding processed and fried foods.
The effectiveness of the foods in reducing or aggravating arthritis differs from person to person. For e.g., a certain foodstuff may cause aggravation of joint pain in a person, while may not affect the other person. Therefore, it is essential to consult the doctor and chalk out a proper diet plan.
Along with this diet plan, it is also essential to maintain a healthy body weight. Proper body weight will put less strain on the joints and reduce pain. As the diet is found to have a considerable effect on arthritis, it is essential to follow a proper diet in order to gain quick relief. Take care!
Disclaimer: This article is meant for information purposes only, and should not be substituted for doctor’s advice and treatment.