Bacterial infection in men such as syphilis and gonorrhea, are the result of having unprotected sex. To know more about treatment of bacterial infections, read on…
Bacterial infection in men is relatively common and generally last for a few weeks. When a large amount of bacteria gains entry into the body through the nose or mouth, they may reside in any part of the body and gradually spread over time. Although women are more susceptible to bacterial infection due to their anatomy, a recent research revealed that men are prone to sexually transmitted diseases as most of them practice unsafe sex.
Is a bacterial infection contagious? Yes of course! Depending upon the mode of transmission they will spread from one person to another if certain precautionary measures are not taken. Bacterial infection symptoms in men may vary from person to person. Healthy men are quite capable to thwart any bacterial attack without any treatment. Also, men suffering from STDs often do not show any symptoms for quite some time. Generally, symptoms that appear are mild and hence are neglected. However, bacteria affecting the urinary system or throat cause symptoms that are experienced within a short time.
STI in Men
A recent study revealed that there are over 25 diseases that can be transmitted through sexual contact (oral, vaginal or anal). Of those, only three sexually transmitted infections (STIs ) are caused by bacteria, that are fortunately curable. The most commonly occurring (STIs) in men due to bacteria are as follows.
Syphilis: This bacterial infection occurs in both sexes and initially manifests in the form of painless sores (an open wound) that generally appear on the genitals (sex organ) or mouth. These wounds are generally seen within 2-3 months after having sexual contact. This is a progressive disease that aggravates with the passage of time. Sore throat and swollen lymph glands are the most common symptoms of syphilis. In case the infection is not severe, the symptoms may gradually vanish with a few weeks.
Gonorrhea: In this type of infection, the bacteria invades the rectum, throat, and urethra, of both men and women. When the bacterium, that transmits during sex, affects the urethra, it causes pain during urination and is accompanied by a pus like discharge. Bacteria that pass into the rectum cause painful bowel movement and anal itching. If left untreated, gonorrhea can spread to other organs and cause infertility in men.
Chlamydia: This bacterial infection in men affects the genital tract and then spreads during unprotected sex. Symptoms of chlamydia such as testicular pain and painful urination are not observed immediately after exposure. Warning signs that indicate chlamydia contraction are noticed within 1-3 weeks after sex. In case the symptoms are not treated, the infection may travel to the prostate gland and cause prostatitis.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) In Men
When the bacteria infects the kidneys, urethra, ureters or bladder, it is termed as urinary tract infection. The infection disturbs the normal functioning of the urinary system and causes an urge to urinate frequently. The person may also suffer from abdominal pain and pelvic pressure. An aching sensation while urinating is indicative of UTI in men. An enlarged prostate, kidney stones that obstruct the urinary tract, and practicing poor hygiene (inadequate cleaning of the genital area), are some of the most common causes of UTI in men.
Tonsillitis in Men
When bacteria gains access to the glands (tonsils) located behind the throat, it causes sudden sore throat. In this condition, the tonsils are enlarged, swollen and appear red. Painful swallowing and sometimes difficulty in breathing are the hallmarks of tonsillitis.
Early diagnosis is the key to prevent serious complications that may occur due to bacterial infection in men. Sexually transmitted diseases that result due to bacterial infections can be cured. The most effective bacterial infection treatment is the use of antibiotics. In order to prevent or greatly reduce the occurrence of STDs, use of condoms is the best option. Studies have shown that condoms are very effective to prevent transmission of STDs. Most importantly, having a healthy diet rich in proteins and vitamins is essential to thwart any bacterial infection.