The salt of magnesium and gluconic acid, magnesium gluconate is commonly used to correct magnesium deficiency. It is prescribed to increase the amount of magnesium in the blood. The following HealthHearty article elaborates more on its benefits and possible side effects.
Did You Know?
A magnesium gluconate supplement can interfere with the absorption of antibiotics and reduce their efficacy. So, antibiotic usage has to be avoided two hours prior or post intake of magnesium gluconate.
With so much importance given to vitamins, proteins, and calcium, it isn’t surprising that the mineral magnesium―crucial for healthy nerve function―is one of the neglected nutrients in our diet. However, this dietary mineral can be easily obtained from magnesium gluconate, which is essentially a magnesium supplement that comprises approximately 5.5% of elemental magnesium.
As a magnesium supplement, it has greater bio-availability as higher amount of magnesium is absorbed. The supplement when taken in the right dosage can benefit the body in the following ways.
Magnesium gluconate available in the form of capsules, liquid, and powder is sold under brand names like Mag-G, Magonate, and Magonate Natal. Intake of this supplement may provide the following health benefits:
Magnesium gluconate may be prescribed to correct magnesium deficiency. Low magnesium levels have been associated with a wide range of medical conditions including diarrhea, vomiting, diabetes mismanagement, and an unhealthy digestive system that inhibits magnesium absorption. Alcoholics and those taking ‘water pills’ may also suffer from poor magnesium levels. In such circumstances, the supplement may be recommended to correct the deficiency. People with chronic malabsorption issues may be prescribed this supplement to actually maintain normal magnesium levels in the blood.
Quite a few studies have shown that magnesium is critical to keep insulin resistance at bay. Magnesium deficiency has been found to be one of the contributory factors in the development of type 2 diabetes. A large-scale study reported in December 2013 issue of Diabetic Medicine observed that adequate magnesium consumption was found to be a crucial factor to prevent type 2 diabetes, particularly in people showing insulin resistance. Another study found out that increased magnesium intake was associated with improvement in insulin sensitivity, in turn decreasing the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. So, supplemental intake of magnesium may provide protective effect against type 2 diabetes.
Magnesium present in magnesium gluconate behaves like an antacid; hence, it can help alleviate acidity and curb symptoms of heartburn. Having an elaborate meal increases the acidity in the stomach and causes indigestion, which can be brought under control by taking this supplement.
Magnesium plays a crucial role in maintaining blood pressure. So, taking this supplement can be helpful to prevent high blood pressure, thereby protecting the heart from damage and reducing the risk of cardiovascular problems. In Ukraine, the drug Rhythmocor, which is a combination of magnesium gluconate and potassium gluconate, is prescribed for the treatment of arrhythmia―a condition that is typically marked by loss of normal heart rhythm.
The way proteins help to build and maintain muscles, similarly, magnesium works to keep the nervous system healthy. It is essential for proper working of nerves and muscles. Low magnesium has been strongly associated with nerve irritation and pain. On the other hand, clinical research has shown that adequate magnesium can be effective to relieve nerve pain. So, taking this supplement can certainly help preserve the health of the nervous system.
Side Effects
Following side effects are worrisome and need to be discussed urgently with your health care provider:
- Vomiting
- Irregular heart rate
- Skin tingling, irritation or flushing
- Lightheadedness or dizziness
- Facial swelling and troubled breathing
Changing the way you take the medication can be helpful to decrease the side effects. For instance, instead of taking it along with a glass of water, combining it with meals can work wonders to decrease the side effects.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.