Topical skin care products such as Abreva and Carmex are often recommended to soothe cold sores. To know more about home remedies to treat this viral infection, read on…
What conjures into the mind when you think of cold sores? Formation of fluid filled blisters followed by an itchy, burning, and painful sensation on the lips. Right? Well, this is very much true and those who have had sores must have tried innumerable over the counter products to get relief. Basically, cold sores occur when a viral infection of the herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) strikes the outermost layer of the skin. So, be it a prescription or over the counter medicine or herbal remedies, using an effective anti-viral agent is the key to overcome this infection.
Topical Products for Healing Cold Sores on Lips
Looking for topical agents to cure this viral infection within a short span of time? Well, one could trust Abreva for getting rid of this infection fast. Its ability to penetrate deep into the skin works to cure the infection at the earliest. An important constituent of Abreva is docosanol, which exhibits excellent anti-herpes properties, that stops the virus from spreading. This FDA approved cream gives faster and amazing results, provided its usage has begun as soon as the first blister appears. Apply it 5 to 6 times daily and the sores will vanish completely within a week.
Zovirax Cream
Zovirax cream is a prescription cream that has to be applied on the lips carefully but make sure it does not enter the mouth as it can cause irritation. A powerful anti-viral agent called acylovir used in making Zovirax helps to heal sores faster.
Cold sore outbreaks resulting from herpes infection also respond quite well to Dynamiclear. Unlike other topical products, one has to dab it just once a day. In other words, multiple applications are not required to promote faster healing. Studies have shown that along with the skin lesions, the painful sensation also goes away within 4 days. Upon application, immediate relief from the burning sensation is guaranteed.
This OTC product is a lip balm that has helped many patients to overcome this infection. Thanks to its myriad ingredients, Carmex is able to play different roles at the same time. It acts as an excellent skin moisturizer, destroys the germs and greatly reduces the painful sensation on the blistered lips.
Home Remedies
Long before topical products for cold sores came into picture, home remedies were considered the mainstay of treatment. Treating this infection at home also helps to reduce the stinging sensation as well as speed up the healing of sores. It is discussed below:
Application of ice is one of the best ways to reduce the pain as well as restrict the virus from spreading. Ice acts as a numbing agent and so applying it on the cold sores provides immediate relief. Instead of directly placing ice cubes on the infected area, firstly wrap them in a towel and then apply on the sores.
Raw Whole Milk
Exposing the virus to raw whole milk is a natural approach to clear away the sores. In whole milk the fat content is not separated from the milk. A type of fat commonly found in whole milk is monocaprin, which displays excellent antiviral properties. Hence, external application of whole milk daily with the help of a cotton ball can work wonders to destroy the virus.
Black Tea Bags
Use of black tea bags has also been of tremendous help to patients suffering from this viral infection. Placing chilled bags on the infected site has proved beneficial in providing instant relief and to facilitate healing.
Lemon being high in vitamin C is effective in combating the infection. Use this remedy when you have just started to experience the burning sensation on the lips. This is indicating an onset of herpes which can be stopped by keeping fresh lemon slices for about an hour. This works to prevent blisters from forming, thereby not allowing the virus to cause infection. Putting lemon on the erupted blisters is not recommended because it can aggravate the tingling sensation. However, drinking lemon juice daily will also promote healing of sores.
Along with the prescribed treatment, don’t forget to follow a proper diet for best results. You need to exclude salty and high acidic foods as they worsen the stinging sensation of cold sores. Nuts such as peanuts, chocolate, high fiber foods like oatmeal and peas and whole wheat products contain a great deal of arginine (an amino acid), which is known to promote proliferation of herpes virus, hence removing them from the diet or minimizing their consumption is recommended. Eat a variety of vegetables and fruits as they are good sources of vitamin A, C and E. These essential nutrients are good for the skin as well as help to inhibit the virus from spreading.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.