There are various biotin benefits that one can avail of, if he or she consumes adequate amounts of this supplement. Read on, to know the various benefits of biotin and how this lesser known vitamin affects our hair, skin and nails…
We all know that we need to ingest various supplements along with the usual carbohydrates, proteins and fats. However, besides these three major food groups, there are other essential compounds that are needed in small quantities and these are vitamins and minerals. One of the lesser known vitamins is the vitamin B7, also known as vitamin H or biotin. so, what is biotin? Biotin is a vitamin that belongs to the B complex group of vitamins and it is mostly obtained from diet, though it is also available in the form of supplements. There are many benefits and side effects of biotin that one should be aware of.
Biotin Health Benefits
For Hair
Many people are now becoming aware of the relation between biotin and hair growth. In fact, biotin is most well-known for its effect on hair growth. This vitamin helps in ensuring that the hair grows at a healthy rate and it also prevents the development of dry hair. This is considered to be one of the most useful hair vitamins which prevents hair loss and breakage by increasing the sustainability of the hair cortex. It is said that biotin for hair growth also acts by helping cells in the hair bulb divide, so as to form new and healthy cells; so it may also help in increasing the thickness of hair.
For Nails
If you happen to have problems like dry hair and along with it, you are also seeing that your nails look very brittle and unhealthy, then this may be a sign of biotin deficiency. Nails are quite easily affected if there is a deficiency of biotin in the body and in this case, you may need to take biotin supplements to make up for the deficiency. Biotin also aids in improving the condition or thin or splitting nails. It helps to stimulate new and healthy nail growth.
For Skin
If you have dry skin, then besides the numerous conditions like dehydration and use of faulty cosmetics that may be behind this, it could be that you do not have adequate amount of biotin in your body. In fact, nowadays, you will find many skin care products that contain biotin. And besides treating dry skin, it is seen that biotin also aids in treating skin conditions like cradle cap, which is seen in infants who have greasy scalps. Biotin may also help in treating seborrheic dermatitis.
Treating Diabetes
One of the yet to be fully explored biotin benefits is its use in helping out people with type 2 diabetes. It is claimed that people that suffer from non-insulin dependent diabetes suffer from biotin deficiency. In such patients, it is claimed that biotin aids in stabilizing the blood sugar levels. It is also said to prevent the chances of neuropathy that is seen in uncontrolled diabetes.
Other Benefits
It is said that a low muscle tone and other muscular problems like muscle cramps can be treated or at least, the symptoms can be reversed if the person is given adequate amounts of biotin. Biotin also aids in the metabolism in the body, as it processes nearly all three major food groups that are ingested. Thus, it helps to increase the metabolic rate in the body and so, may be helpful in weight loss.
Despite the overwhelming uses and benefits of biotin, one needs to also be aware of the various biotin side effects that may be seen due to biotin overdose, like changes in the skin texture and hair. So, you need to strike a balance and need to ensure that you don’t take in too much biotin in a quest to milk out most from the various biotin benefits mentioned.