Dyshidrotic eczema and post exercise rash are some of the most common causes of this skin problem that affects the extremities. To know more about other factors behind the development of blisters, read on.
Blister formation is a common skin problem occurring in children and adults alike. These small eruptions not only make the skin itchy but can also be a cause of great embarrassment when they occur on uncovered areas of the skin. There are certain types of skin disorders in which the blisters remain confined to the hands and feet.
Many times, a strenuous workout session is responsible for causing water blisters on the hands and feet. For instance, blisters appearing on the extremities after running is the result of excessive sweating, but can also be due to constant rubbing of the socks on the skin. Wearing ill-fitting shoes is yet another factor that can cause foot blisters.
Treatment: Application of talcum powder or petroleum jelly on the susceptible areas is an easy way to prevent occurrence of blisters during and after exercise.
Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease
Blister formation that is restricted to the hands and feet as well as affects the mouth is pointing towards hand-foot-mouth disease. As the name suggests, apart from the extremities, the blisters also appear inside the mouth (inner cheeks) and is typically marked by sore throat. Doctors are of the firm opinion that a virus is responsible for causing this disease. This viral infection triggers development of rash on multiple sites that include the palms, soles and, in and around, mouth.
Studies show that, in most cases, children and infants fall prey to this infection but it can also affect adults. This is a contagious infection but does not spread through air. Skin-to-skin contact is the mode of transmission for this type of disease. Besides rash, the person may also experience fever, headache, and fatigue. Ulcers on the tongue, or in the throat, followed by loss of appetite are also some of the issues associated with hand-foot-mouth disease.
Treatment: Symptoms of hand-foot-mouth disease are usually treated with pain killers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen as specific medications have not been formulated to kill the virus.
Dyshidrotic Eczema
People affected with dyshidrotic eczema generally show blisters on the fingers and the soles. Too much sweating was previously considered as the reason behind dyshidrotic eczema. However, studies have now firmly established that exposure to allergens, stress and harsh weather conditions are the contributory factors to the outbreak of dyshidrotic eczema. In most cases, the blisters are concentrated on the tips and sides of fingers and the toes. The itchiness associated with dyshidrotic eczema aggravates when soap is used to wash the hands and feet. Even normal tap water can cause a lot of discomfort to the person affected with this skin problem.
Treatment: Treatment involves use of appropriate moisturizers. Also, patients when taking dyshidrotic eczema treatment should refrain from using anti-bacterial soaps as it can worsen the problem. Use of diluted jojoba oil may also help to relieve symptoms of dyshidrotic eczema.
Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex (EBS)
This is a skin problem that occurs as a consequence of defective keratin genes. The term keratin refers to a protein present in the outermost layer of the skin. For optimum skin health, presence of keratin in appropriate amounts is essential. When keratin genes do not function properly, it can decrease the production of keratin in the skin. This can make the epidermis susceptible to skin problems like blisters.
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex is a genetic condition in which the skin is unable to tolerate a minor trauma like scratching or rubbing and therefore responds by showing blisters. The severity of EBS may vary from person to person. When the condition is not very severe, blisters are observed only on the hands and feet.
Treatment: For EBS, precautionary measures that speed up healing and do not damage the skin further, need to be implemented. Wearing proper footwear as well as protecting the skin from any sort of injury is a prerequisite to promote healing.
On the whole, whatever be the type of skin problem, make sure to follow a healthy diet and drink plenty of water to help speed up healing.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.