Wearing tight shoes, excessive sweating or a fungal infection are some of the factors that contribute to formation of blisters on toes.
Did You Know?
As using small-sized tight fitting shoes is the most common reason of blistering on the feet, choosing the appropriate footwear is all that is required to resolve the issue.
Blisters are small elevated structures on the skin that contain body fluids, Although, this skin problem is a harmless condition, it is certainly a cause of discomfort. The formation itchy blisters turns the skin red and makes it inflamed. The itchiness associated with blister formation may not allow a person to concentrate on his daily routine.
Why Do Blisters Occur
Improper Footwear
Wearing ill-fitting shoes is the common reason why people may experience a blister on toe and feet. Some people have a habit of purchasing shoes that fit tightly. This will cause discomfort to the toes and trigger formation of painful blisters on toes. Tight shoes put pressure on the skin and increase repeated friction between the toes and the shoes.
This will not only cause blisters but also make the skin thick and irritated. The body responds to this increased friction activity by fluid buildup underneath the skin, which eventually causes blister formation. The skin becomes hard and rough and can bring a considerable amount of pain. So, itchy papules on toes is an indication of shoes being too tight.
Sweat is nothing but a salty fluid produced by the sweat glands that lie underneath the skin. The sweat is secreted, when the skin becomes hot. Sweat blisters on toe are common especially during the summer season. Any strenuous physical activity can make the skin sweaty.
When the body temperature increases, sweat is released, which often gets trapped in the foot, thus creating a perfect environment for the blisters to form. Wearing shoes for long periods of time or taking part in events like marathon can also cause toe blisters.
Allergic Reaction
An insect bite or a sting on the toes, may trigger an allergic reaction and manifest in the form of blisters. Wearing polyester socks, too can contribute to blister formation as some people are allergic to it.
Exercises like running are considered to be heavy cardiovascular workouts that provide plenty of health benefits. However, activities like running trigger excessive foot perspiration.
As the released sweat on the feet, does not come in contact with the fresh air, evaporation of the sweat does not take place. As a result the skin remains moist and leads to formation of blisters. Occurrence of blisters on toes from walking is also possible. This can happen when the person walks fast for a considerable period of time in the hot sun.
Fungal Infection
Also, referred to as athlete’s foot, this fungal infection is typically marked by reddened, blistered skin between the toes. Blisters due to athlete’s foot can also trigger a burning or stinging sensation that subsides with proper treatment.
Although, this type of infection can occur anywhere on the feet, it is usually seen in moist areas such as between toes. Wearing wet shoes or socks even for a few hours, are some of the common causes of athlete’s foot.
Clearing Blisters
Ice Cubes
Toe blisters that occur as a consequence of excessive sweating or wearing tight shoes, generally do not require any medical treatment. However, applying ice cubes wrapped in a clean cloth on the affected part, is an easy remedy to reduce irritation of the skin.
The blisters might go away in a day or two, or even within a few hours. In case of athlete’s foot, there are antifungal medications such as ointments that can help get rid of blisters between toes.
Throw Away Ill-fitting Shoes
When buying shoes, make sure that the footwear fit properly. Also, before wearing new shoes, applying foot powder or petroleum jelly on the areas of the feet that frequently rub against the shoes, is an easy way to keep this type of skin problems at bay. These foot care products help to minimize friction that causes blisters on feet.
Buy Proper Socks
Using socks made up of polyester can act as a possible trigger for blister formation. Even cotton socks are a bad choice when it comes to avoiding blisters on feet, because when our feet become sweaty, cotton socks do not help to evaporate the moisture.
As a result, the skin is unable to get rid of moisture and so becomes excessively sweaty. This creates a perfect environment for the blisters to form. A better option would be to go for socks that are specifically designed to help the skin lose its moisture.
Socks made from CoolMax fabric are found to be extremely beneficial to prevent the skin from retaining moisture.
Antiseptic Creams
In case, the blister breaks open on their own, apply an antiseptic cream to prevent any sort of bacterial infection. Also, put a bandage over the area and let it remain for a week or two.
If the blisters clear away but return after a few days, it means your toes are vulnerable to blister formation and you got to find a way to prevent it. One of the best ways to prevent blisters is by taping the toes.
Instead of band-aid, one should use a white zinc oxide tape to wrap up the toes, whenever using the shoes for long periods of time. For instance, activities like hiking may require you to wear shoes throughout the day and so in such circumstances taping the toes is recommended.