Blood clots in the urine may be caused by various underlying conditions, ranging from an infection to cancer. Although most times than not the condition will take care of itself it is advisable to visit your physician for a check up.
Blood clots in urine can make the urine appear pink or red in color and in some cases the urine will have a maroon hue. If you experience pain when you pass small blood clots in urine try to identify the regions causing the pain, as this will help the diagnosis and eventually the treatment plan. It is also important that you ensure that the redness of the urine is in fact blood. Certain foods like beet root and medication may cause the urine to turn red. If you have doubts it is advisable to undergo laboratory tests to confirm.
Most men who pass blood clots in urine will experience pain in the abdomen, in the lower back and groin. Some men may experience shooting pain in the penis when urinating and this may be the indication of the blood clots passing through the urethra. The blood clots could be of different shapes and could represent bleeding from the prostate. Worm like clots if accompanied by pain are most likely originating from the ureters.
Blood in urine is categorized in two parts, first is known as ‘Hematuria’ which represents blood in urine that can be spotted with a naked eye. The second is known as ‘Microscopic Hematuria’, in which blood can only be spotted with the help of a microscope. Causes of blood in urine can vary from minor inflammations to serious conditions like cancer.
One of the most common causes of blood clots in urine is urinary tract infection (UTI). Although, women are more prone to UTI than men but the cause cannot be ruled out. Kidney stones can also cause blood clots in the urine in men. Some of the other causes are bladder or ureter stones which also lead to secretion of blood in the urine. Men suffering from prostate enlargement may experience blood clots in the urine.
Injury to the urinary tract is also responsible for blood clots in the urine, especially in men. Cancers that affect regions like the urethra or the bladder are known to cause blood clots in the urine, along with kidney cancer. Diseases like ‘Benign Familial Hematuria’ and ‘Sickle Cell Disease’ are some of the risk factors that lead to blood clots.
The urethra in men carries urine and semen and sometimes a bloody ejaculation due to prostate problem can be mistaken for blood clot. Men using medication like blood thinners can also experience blood in urine. Hemophilia a genetic disorder which mostly affects males is also a cause of blood in urine.
In most cases, blood in urine is seen due to an insignificant problem which goes away without any treatment. However, blood clots in the urine may be caused due to an underlying condition, hence it is advisable that you visit your physician for consultation. If the clots are due to a urinary tract infection, you will have to take antibiotics for 3 – 14 days. The duration of taking the antibiotics depends on which region of the urinary tract is infected.
The treatment plan for blood clots in urine depends on the underlying problems, so if you have kidney stones the doctor might advise you to drink plenty of fluids. Hydrating the body will help wash out the toxins and kidney stones giving you relief. In some instances a minor surgery will be required to remove the kidney stones. A physician may also prescribe analgesic medication if you have accompanying pain with your blood clots.
It is advisable to not try any home remedies if you experience blood clots in urine, visiting your physician is the prudent choice. The physician will conduct some diagnostic test before devising a treatment plan which in most cases constitutes taking oral medication.