As soon as the bowel infection symptoms are recognized, a doctor should be consulted for a proper diagnosis, as they could sometimes signal a serious underlying disorder. Read on…
One of the easiest of ways to recognize a bowel infection is to look at the changes in bowel movements or motions it brings about. Constipation, diarrhea, a bout of one of these followed by the other one, all these are some of the commonly experienced symptoms in men and women. Such an infection can occur due to a variety of reasons, such as a virus, bacteria or an underlying health disorder. The duration of the infection can be short or long, varying from individual to individual, depending upon the cause behind it. Recognizing the symptoms is very important so that the cause behind it can be determined and treatment for the same can be taken in time.
- A bowel infection is seldom without pain in the stomach. The pain due to an infection in the bowel, can be felt in various parts of the stomach. Sometimes, the pain can be mild, while at other times, it can be felt as severely as a spasm. Some people might feel their abdominal pain easing off when they pass stool.
- An infection in the bowel may cause constipation in some people, while in others, it may lead to diarrhea. One way or the other, a bowel infection is going to bring about a change in the motions. Some people might feel that they are not fully able to eliminate stool from their body, while others may feel that in the morning, when they get up, they urgently need to go to the toilet, again and again.
- It brings about a change in the appearance of stools. The stools may become small or they may become very watery. Sometimes, there might be presence of mucus in the stool as well.
- Stomach bloating is one of the common symptoms of bowel infection. The one who suffers from an infection can actually feel the swelling in his stomach. This usually occurs due to the buildup of gas in the body.
- In some people, it may cause rectal bleeding. If this is the case, the person might feel very weak. A feeling of uneasiness and illness is often associated with rectal bleeding, resulting from infection in the bowel.
- A feeling of nausea and vomiting are experienced by many a patient, though these symptoms are not as common as stomach bloating and pain. Other symptoms that might be felt are – a poor appetite, fatigue, headache, pain in the body muscles, pain in the back, heartburn, weight loss/gain and belching.
- There are some indications which are associated with a particular disorder that can lead to a bowel infection. For instance, iron deficiency anemia is one of the indications of bowel cancer and Crohn’s disease, both of which cause a bowel infection.
As mentioned above, an infection in the bowel could result from a virus or a bacterial infection. If this is the case, with proper diet, a routine of exercising and medicines like antibiotics and laxatives, the symptoms can be brought under control. Making certain lifestyle changes, such as taking a balanced diet, which is rich in fiber, exercising every day, and drinking lots of fluids, are some of the ways to combat a bowel infection and prevent it from occurring again.
However, a bowel infection could result from an underlying disorder as well, such as diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, lactose intolerance, Celiac disease, colon cancer and Crohn’s disease. If this is the case, a doctor should be consulted for a thorough diagnosis and treatment, as some of these conditions are very serious and can prove to be life-threatening.
Some of the symptoms such as abdominal pain and discomfort, could be merely due to a stomach infection. Stomach bloating and gas could result from overeating or eating the wrong kinds of food as well. That’s why, the first thing that a person experiencing such symptoms should do is to make changes in his lifestyle. If the symptoms persist and their severity increases day by day, then a doctor should be consulted.