Brain tumor recurrence depends upon the method used to treat it in the first stage. In this article, we will discuss the recurrence of the tumor, its symptoms and possible treatments.
A tumor is a mass of cells which grows rapidly and multiplies uncontrollably. They increases in size and start putting pressure on the adjoining areas and organs. A brain tumor’s growth is restricted to the central nervous system which includes the brain and spinal cord. Which means there are very few chances of spreading in other parts of the body. These tumor cells are of two types: benign and malignant. Benign tumors are non cancerous tumors, whereas malignant tumors contain cancerous cells. Both types of tumors can be treated and removed from the body. But there are chances of brain tumor recurrence in almost all the cases. Here, we will discuss various aspects of tumor recurrence with possible solutions or treatments.
Recurrent Brain Tumors
Almost all the types of brain tumors whether benign or malignant, can recur after they have been treated. They usually recur at the same place where they have grown before. If not detected in time, they grow and start hindering the activities of brain which in turn will affect the proper functioning of the body. Here, we will try to understand the recurrence of both of these tumor.
Benign Brain Tumor
Benign tumor is a non cancerous tumor. Its cells multiply very slowly and in a typical fashion. They do not harm and invade the adjoining tissues, but they may put pressure on the skull and adjoining organs which may result in many problems. These tissues can be removed completely with the help of surgery and have very less chances of recurrence. But in some cases, these tumors may turn malignant and cause cancer. But if we talk about benign tumors then we can say that their recurrence rate is very low as compared to malignant tumors.
Malignant Brain Tumor
Malignant tumors contain cancerous cells. These cells grow very rapidly and in a nonuniform manner. They invade the normal brain cells and cause harm to them. They need to removed or treated upon as soon as possible. Though they can be treated and removed from the brain, they have a higher chance of recurrence. They can recur at same place, or may be found in any part of the central nervous system. Malignant tumors have a high rate of recurrence.
Signs of Brain Tumor Recurrence
Signs and symptoms of recurrent brain tumor are similar to the initial ones. They can be easily noticed by the person who has already undergone this situation. Following are some of the symptoms which may be observed.
- Headache is one of the most common symptoms of brain tumor. The pain may be severe but in some cases it is very mild. It may be accompanied with nausea and vomiting. Hence if the person experiences headache then it may indicate recurrent tumor.
- Swelling in the brain can be caused due to the tumor which is putting pressure either on the skull, or on the tissues of the brain. This may further cause headache and eyesight problems.
- The person may experience seizures which may be sometimes very small that they go unnoticed, and sometimes they can be very severe which may result in losing consciousness.
- Inability to speak, problem in balancing the body, weakness, paralysis, are some of the other symptoms which may indicate a recurrent tumor.
Treatment for Brain Tumor
Brain tumor can recur and hence it is essential to undergo regular checkup, even after the treatment. The treatment may depend on the condition of the tumor. Surgery is conducted if the tumor is in the condition to be removed entirely. But if it is very big in size, and has many nerves and tissues connected to it, then it may require radiation or chemotherapy.
If the person has already undergone a surgery at the time of the previous tumor, then the doctor may recommend it only if the person is young and in good health. Both treatments are effective but it totally depends upon the health of the patient, and the size and location of the tumor. There are many side effects of the treatment but they are less harmful than the tumor and hence, they have to be tolerated by the patient.
So, we can say that even after successful treatment of brain tumor there are chances of its recurrence. Hence, it is very important to take a follow up every 3 to 4 months. This is extremely important for people who are still undergoing treatment. Keep an eye on your health to avoid tumor recurrence and if observed, get it treated as soon as possible.