The expenses will vary depending upon the surgeon’s experience and the place where the surgery is performed.
Women with abnormally large breasts often decide for a breast reduction surgery. A breast reduction procedure is used to give proper shape to exceptionally large breasts. The surgery can effectively get rid of those large heavy breasts. However, most women don’t have the slightest idea about the cost of undergoing this surgery. Today, though breast reduction exercises are available to help reduce breast size without surgery, surgery still remains the most popular way to alleviate pain and other problems associated with unusually large breasts. In this procedure, the excess fat and tissue responsible for the enlarged breast size is removed.
Factors That Influence Surgery Cost
The cost mainly depends upon the size of the breasts, among other factors. For very large breasts, the cost will be quite high as it involves taking more effort to remove the tissue and reshape the breast. Also, the surgeon also has to reshape the nipple area to suit the reduced size of the breast. All these aspects will be taken into consideration when determining the cost of breast reduction. The other factors that determine the cost are:
- Surgeon’s Fee
- Anesthesia Fees
- Cost of Medications
- Hospital Charges
- Post Surgical Costs
- Place or Location of Surgery
The cost generally varies from $5000 to $10000 considering all the above charges. Overall, the average cost of breast reduction is about $7000-$7500. However, this cost estimate excludes the cost of post surgery garments. The anesthesia fee ranges between $1000 to $1500. Depending upon the experience of the doctor performing the operation, the surgeon’s fee will change. It varies significantly from one surgeon to another. The patient will have to pay more for a highly experienced surgeon. However, on an average the surgeon’s fee is approximately $5500. As the surgeon’s fee is high, one should ensure that the surgeon is certified from the American Board of Plastic Surgery, and has good experience in conducting all types of breast surgery.
Location: The cost of a breast reduction procedure is also influenced by the location where it is performed. If there is no proper facility in your town or city to conduct the surgery, you may have to travel to other locations to ensure a successful breast reduction surgery. In that case, travel expenses will add up to your breast reduction cost. Also, the surgical costs in UK, particularly New England, are quite high, whereas in Pacific states like Alaska, California, and Washington, the cost is relatively less.
Additional Cost (Post Surgery Garments): After the surgery, the patient will be asked to wear post surgical garments such as support bras. These products play an important role to speed up the recovery process post surgery. These breast garments improve blood circulation and provide great comfort and support. A good quality post surgical bra costs anywhere between $50 and $100.
Cost for Men
A male having abnormal breast size can cause him great anguish, embarrassment, and stress. Unhealthy habits, such as excess alcohol consumption or smoking marijuana, can lead to the development of enlarged breasts in men. The cost of surgical procedures aimed to reduce breast size in men will differ from $5000 to $8000. The glandular tissue in the breast, and sometimes excess skin, is eliminated to reduce breast size. The procedure generally lasts for 1-2 hours and post operation the patient is asked to stay away from heavy work for minimum 7 days. For a flatter and a firmer chest, male breast reduction surgery is the best option.
Medical insurance companies will cover the cost only when the surgery has been done to restore the patient’s health. For instance, people with big chests experience considerable amount of pain in the back, shoulders, and neck, especially while performing activities like jogging and running. Asymmetrical breasts can also be a cause of great discomfort. In such cases, one can claim expenses incurred by the patient due to breast reduction surgery.
The health insurance company won’t pay a singe penny if the surgery is done for cosmetic reasons. For instance, in case the sole purpose of surgery is to enhance the personality of the patient, then obviously the company is likely to reject the claim. A popular cosmetic type of breast surgery not covered by health insurance is the nipple reduction procedure. This type of breast reduction surgery costs about $1500-$2000.
Health insurance companies generally ask for a certificate that confirms that the patient underwent the surgery to relieve pain and other medical symptoms. The company’s decision to cover the surgery cost is also influenced by the type of breast reduction procedure implemented to perform the surgery. In case the procedure to be performed is mammaplasty, then there is a highly probability of getting the coverage. In other words, the insurance company will not hesitate to finance the surgery. However, in many cases, it has been found that health care financing companies do not pay the entire cost of surgery.