Learn as to what it means to have bubbly urine and kidney infection, as both are correlated. Read ahead to know more about this condition in question.
You may feel perturbed while you gape at your urine color when you make a visit to the washroom. You wonder as to why and how has your urine resumed a foamy and almost bubbly appearance. Well, this is precisely why this article is here . . . to help you understand the cause of this incidence. It is caused when the protein content that is extricated from the urine does not remain in the normal range. For the explanation to be all the more lucid in nature, let me provide you with an overview.
The urine always consists of some protein that is extricated from the system. This extrication is considered as waste. When the amount of protein that you have ingested has been extricated in excess, you are bound to get concerned as your urine would appear cloudy and foamy. The urine is excessively concentrated when the content of protein in the body increases. Thus, this condition, in the actual, is a symptom called proteinuria, that marks the onset of a possible kidney infection. Therefore, bubbly urine and kidney infection could be interrelated problems.
What Are the Signs
There are predominantly four symptoms that point toward bubbly urine and kidney infection. The signs and symptoms are:
- Frothy urine that seems cloudy, foamy and bubbly
- Development of edema on the hands and feet
- Swelling of the face
- Bloating
What Are the Causes
What is, in the actual happening in your body, is that the proteins you ingest are not breaking down properly. Another possible reason could be that you have been ingesting too much protein for your body to absorb and utilize. When the kidneys are filtering your blood, excess chemicals, minerals, and any other waste matter is removed through urination.
When protein is released as waste through the kidneys by way of urination, it indicates that the proteins ingested were not metabolized. This is the reason why proteins are expelled from your body through the urine. The formation of bubbly urine is when urine expelled reacts with the air. The foam or bubbles in the urine that you notice, is courtesy the urine reacting with air.
Another cause is when you consume a lot of fish, chicken and other meat products. Meats contain muco-proteins, and this is why urine becomes bubbly and foamy. All those who are on protein supplements, such as whey proteins or protein shakes, may also experience bubbly urine. When the body does not break down the ingested proteins in a proper manner, excess proteins would be expelled through the urine. You may also notice the bubbles or the froth even when you are not urinating in the western toilet seats.
To make it clear, the water in the toilet is not what is causing the bubbles or the froth to erupt, rather, it is the interaction of the air and the urine that makes the urine frothy and bubbly. You may also notice bubbles in your urine if you have controlled the urge of visiting the washroom for a long time. When you do this, you may urinate with force. It is due to the force that a bubbly or foamy urine is produced. Also, when your intake of water is minimal, your system gets dehydrated, resulting in a foamy urine. To avert this condition, make a conscious effort to consume plenty of water and flush the toxicities from your system.
Is Excess Protein a Cause of Concern?
The excess protein could be diagnosed through the conduction of urinalysis. It is only through this test that the consistency of protein in the urine can be correctly detected. As the kidney performs its function of filtering the blood and expelling all that it does not need for the body, it also metabolizes proteins. It is when the proteins are not metabolized in the right manner, that one could conclude that the kidney functioning is impaired.
If you are constantly experiencing foamy or bubbly urine, no matter how much of protein content you consume, you must visit a medical practitioner. It may also be an indicator of kidney damage or a gallbladder problem. Before you visit the medical practitioner, you must note the frequency in which you notice the protein in your urine. Your doctor, with the information you provide, along with the urinalysis, would be able to prescribe medication and would advise you on what you must do to prevent any episodes of having bubbly urine, leading to a kidney infection.
If you are experiencing proteinuria, it would be to your advantage to plan a visit to your doctor.