Acne, folliculitis, and dyshidrotic eczema are some of the common skin problems that cause bumps on the skin.
This is a common skin problem observed in adults and children alike. In most cases, skin bumps cause an itchy sensation, which can be sometimes difficult to manage. Bumpy structures that look like pimples usually occur on the facial area. On the other hand, small fluid filled blisters generally affect the limbs and the hands. Poor nutrition, compromised immune system, and too much exposure to the sun are some of the factors that increase the risk of itchy bumps. Other causes are discussed below.
Acne is a skin problem that manifests in the form of pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads. Acne is prevalent in adolescents, however, adults too can occasionally suffer from this skin problem. The sebaceous glands found beneath the skin manufacture sebum (oil). The oil acts as a lubricant and prevents the skin from becoming dry. However, too much production of sebum blocks the skin pores. As a result, the skin bacteria thrive in these clogged pores. The bacterial infection eventually cause white and red bumps on the skin.
Insect Bites
When insects like mosquitoes and bugs bite, people with sensitive skin are likely to suffer from an allergic reaction. A bite or a sting exposes the skin to irritants (toxins) that are injected by the insect. Generally, skin bumps from insects remain confined to the specific area, however, a severe allergic reaction can cause skin eruptions all over the body.
Viral Infections
Pimples and blisters can also form due to viral infection that affects the skin. Known as molluscum contagiosium, the infection is common in children. Although, small flesh-colored bumps formed from molluscum contagiosium are not a cause for discomfort, it may take months before they finally disappear.
When the population of a tiny mite referred to as Sarcoptes scabiei increases on the superficial skin, it causes small, red itchy bumps to appear. These mites burrow the uppermost layer and spread the infection by laying eggs. The itchy rash occurs where the skin is affected with their burrowing activity. The rash may appear in a pattern similar to a zigzag line depending on how the burrowing activity has taken place. Wrists, waists and in between fingers are the common sites of scabies infection.
The term folliculitis is used to describe a condition in which the hair follicles are inflamed due to a bacterial infection. A hair follicle is a small pouch where the hair root is located. The infection of hair follicles leads to formation of small red bumps. Shaving and rubbing of clothes are some of the factors that can damage the hair follicle and eventually cause red bumps on the skin.
Dyshidrotic Eczema
This is a type of eczema that typically strikes the hands and the feet. People with dyshidrotic eczema show small opaque bumps on the sides of the fingers and soles of the feet. The fluid-filled blisters make the skin itchy and the irritation aggravates at night.
Heat Rash
Intolerance towards UV exposure is usually seen in the form of skin rash. The rash appears as small itchy red blisters on the skin. In some cases, exposure to sunlight triggers an allergic response that gives rise to skin problems like hives. Skin problems occurring from contact with sunlight are an indication of sun allergy. In such cases, one should avoid traveling in the hot sun. Use of skin moisturizers may also help to alleviate symptoms of sun allergy.
As a number of skin conditions can cause bumps in the affected area, one has to first identify the underlying cause. The doctor will examine the patient and may also go for biopsy before giving any diagnosis. Based on the outcome, the doctor may recommend a particular cream to treat this skin problem.
A point to note here is that, be it any type of skin problem, one should refrain from scratching or rubbing the affected area as such kind of activities worsen the symptoms and prolong the healing time. Also, the food you eat can help to restore the natural appearance of the skin. Staying away from fried and fast foods and eating the best foods for healthy skin everyday can work wonders to get rid of any skin disorder.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.