The probable methods by which a person becomes less vulnerable to developing leukemia are described in this article. Substantial information has also been provided regarding the symptoms and the methods to prevent leukemia.
Leukemia is a cancer of blood cells that occurs due to abnormal increase of white blood cells. Despite invention of latest medical diagnostic techniques, vaccines and medicines, there’s no such way that can actually prevent leukemia. This is because a single cause is not associated with occurrence of leukemia and no such concrete measures have yet been invented to avoid this fatal disease. From statistical studies, it has been found out that the mortality rate is high among children than in adults. We shall present you the most probable reasons behind what triggers leukemia and why leukemia cannot be prevented.
Can Leukemia be Prevented ~ An Overview
Since leukemia is a type of cancer, it’s a result of somatic mutation taking place in DNA. The cancer causing genes or oncogenes get activated and simultaneously the Tumor Suppressor Genes (TSGs) are deactivated which further causes disturbances in the cell cycle. The entire process leads to abnormal proliferation of cancerous cells and death of normal cells in body. Oncogenes get activated due to exposure to carcinogenic agents, radiation, and chemicals like benzene and petroleum. All these compounds are capable of mutating DNA and chances of getting affected with leukemia becomes inevitably high.
Doctors also say that leukemia, being a hereditary disease is difficult to predict and so, till now there are no methods of preventing it completely. Children who are born with chromosomal abnormalities carry higher risks of developing leukemia and this observation holds good for children suffering from Fanconi’s anemia and Down Syndrome.
Although there are no medicines yet discovered that would prevent or cure leukemia, certain measures that would reduce chances of developing leukemia are known. Worth to mention, people who have undergone radiation therapy or chemotherapy previously are more vulnerable to leukemia. The risk factors could be eliminated by executing the following ways.
- Acute myelogenous leukemia could possibly develop from smoking. Cigarettes contain nicotine, capable of inducing mutations in DNA strands. Therefore, you must restrict yourself from this addictive habit for leading a healthy life.
- As already mentioned that, exposure to petroleum products might cause leukemia, therefore, you should avoid excessive handling of paints, pesticides, fertilizers, benzene based solvents and plastics. People working in such industries are given special protection to minimize getting exposed to these carcinogens.
- A healthy diet acts wonders for children and considerably eliminates chances of leukemia. Children who have been diagnosed with higher count of white blood cells are administered leukemia prevention diet, that contains plentiful of natural antioxidants. Carrots, Broccoli, cabbage, chili peppers, jalapenos, cauliflower, papayas citrus fruits, sweet potatoes, pomegranate, raspberries and tomatoes protect DNA from coming in contact with carcinogens. You must avoid too much of sugar, processed foods containing artificial sweeteners and preservatives. Foods containing aspartame and nitrates should be eliminated by all means.
- To prevent becoming a victim of this deadly cancer, you must restrain yourself from alcohol and drugs.
The aforementioned points have provided you the useful ways to reduce the risks of developing leukemia and they should not be confused with prevention measures. The most common form of leukemia occurring in children is, acute leukemia, also known as the first stage of leukemia. During this phase, white blood cells start proliferating rapidly and gradually accumulation of abnormally large number of mature white blood cells takes place. This is the chronic stage that is more common in people of older age group.
The acute and chronic phase is present in both types of leukemia, viz, Lymphocytic Leukemia and Myeloid Leukemia. As we all know that symptoms of cancer go unnoticed during initial stages and with passage of time, it takes a serious form, and so the symptoms. Children who get bruised frequently and bleed profusely should be taken for a medical check up. Falling sick, catching cold, pneumonia, developing sores, weight loss, lack of appetite, exhaustion and getting affected with opportunistic symptoms are some other symptoms of leukemia.
The symptoms should never be neglected because early diagnosis always increases survival rate of leukemic patients. Drugs, chemotherapy and radiation start once the disease has been diagnosed and under extreme circumstance a bone marrow transplant proves useful. Although, there’s no such complete cure or prevention for leukemia, life expectancy of patients have considerably improved with advancement in medical treatment.