Have you ever used caprylic acid for yeast infection treatment? Wondering how does caprylic acid aid in curbing the overgrowth of yeast cells? Scroll down to find out the answers as well as gather information about the effectiveness of caprylic acid in the treatment of yeast infections.
Caprylic acid, also known as octanoic acid, is an eight carbon, medium-chain fatty acid. Palm kernel oil, coconut oil, bovine breast milk as well as human breast milk are some of the natural sources of caprylic acid. This fatty acid is not only used in a wide range of industrial applications, but is also known for its therapeutic properties. Though it is used for treating various types of infections, it is claimed to be an excellent remedy for yeast infections. Given below is some information on the benefits of using caprylic acid for yeast infection treatment.
How Can Caprylic Acid Help in Treating Candidiasis
While caprylic acid is believed to help in strengthening the body’s defenses against certain bacteria that may cause gastroenteritis, the use of caprylic acid is believed to be an excellent remedy for candidiasis. Candidiasis refers to an infection that occurs as a result of overgrowth of a fungus called Candida. Out of the various Candida species, it is Candida albicans that commonly causes yeast infections in men as well as women. Yeast, which is a naturally occurring, single-celled fungi is normally found in the oral cavity and the digestive system. The friendly bacteria that are present in the body prevent the yeast cells from multiplying. However, the numbers of the friendly bacteria may decrease due to prolonged use of antibiotics or certain prescription drugs. Consumption of a diet that is rich in sugar may also cause a spurt in the growth of yeast cells and lead to candidiasis.
Now let’s find out why caprylic acid may help in killing yeast cells. One of the useful attributes of this acid is its high absorption rate. The high absorption rate of this fatty acid is attributed to its chemical structure. Its ability to pass through the fatty cell wall membranes and attack the pathogens is attributed to its relatively shorter chain length. This explains why doctors may recommend the use of caprylic acid for treating candidiasis. It can be taken in the form of capsules, or applied topically in case of skin infections caused by yeast. Since coconut oil is a source of caprylic acid, applying coconut oil topically can help in the treatment of roundworm infections and candidiasis. This explains why caprylic acid and coconut oil can help in alleviating the symptoms of ringworm. These days, various brands are offering caprylic acid in the form of timed release capsules or gels. The idea behind the use of timed release capsules, is to make sure that this fatty acid is released at the time when it reaches the large intestine. Since Candida overgrowth mainly affects the large intestine, the release of this acid throughout the entire length of the colon, certainly helps in effectively controlling the yeast population. This way, the imbalance that occurs due to decrease in the numbers of friendly bacteria and increase in the numbers of yeast cells, can be corrected.
Side Effects of Caprylic Acid
Though caprylic acid is believed to possess antifungal properties, certain side effects have also been reported. Most of the side effects that one may experience are gastrointestinal in nature. One may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, indigestion, acidity or abdominal discomfort. There is a lack of conclusive evidence on the effects of caprylic acid in pregnant women, nursing mothers and children. Thus, caprylic acid supplements are not recommended for them. According to the FDA, these are put in GRAS (generally recognizable as safe) category. However, there is lack of clinical data on effective dosage as well. One must therefore, take the supplements as per the prescribed caprylic acid dosage. It would be best to take caprylic acid supplements with meals. There is also a great need to follow a proper diet. Many times, candidiasis is caused due to consumption of a sugar rich diet. It would be pointless to take these supplements, if one continues to consume such foods. Since the prolonged use of antibiotics kills the friendly Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, those who have been taking antibiotics, must inform their doctors about recurring yeast infections.
This was some information on the benefits and side effects of using caprylic acid for yeast infection treatment. Though caprylic acid seems to be effective in providing relief to those who suffer from recurring yeast infections, especially those who are allergic to antifungal drugs, it must be taken under medical supervision. One must strictly follow the guidelines given by the doctors, and inform the doctors regarding any side effects.