Chondroitin is a chemical naturally present in the connective tissues of humans and animals. It is mainly used for the treatment of osteoarthritis. The following article provides information about the various side effects of this chemical.
Chondroitin, also known as chondroitin sulfate, is a compound that is naturally found in the cartilage of the human body and various animals. It promotes the health of the cartilage by improving its elasticity. It is also known to increase the water retention capacity. When administered in the form of a supplement, it promotes the natural production of this compound.
These supplements are also administered to reduce the symptoms of osteoarthritis. However, there are disputes on the credibility of this supplement. Some medical experts believe that the intake of these supplements relieve the pain, thereby making joint movements all the more flexible. Studies are being carried out to understand, whether it is helpful in rebuilding the cartilage that was damaged due to osteoarthritis.
When this chemical is administered in the form of dietary supplements, the body has the capacity to absorb around 15% of it. The daily recommended dosage is 200 to 400 mg to be taken orally three times a day. Chondroitin sulfate can also be combined with glucosamine sulfate, which is another compound that is known to benefit bone health. It also helps repair the cartilage. Its supplements are synthetically manufactured. These can also be extracted from shark’s cartilage or cow’s trachea. However, the synthetic ones are mostly preferred, as the dosage and safety of the supplement can be controlled and measured.
Side Effects
- The side effects are mild in nature and are absent if the supplements are taken according to the prescription.
- When the supplements are taken orally, the risk of side effects does not arise. However, in some rare cases, side effects relating to the gastrointestinal tract have been observed.
- Stomach problems, marked by constipation and nausea, are the general and the most noted side effects, that occur due to the intake of these supplements.
- Diarrhea is another complication that may develop in some cases, where the supplement is administered to treat osteoarthritis.
- The NSAIDs (Non Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs) should not be taken along with it. Medical advice must be sought before the administration of this drug.
- It must also not be administered along with any other drug, that works as a blood thinner. This chemical can escalate the effects of other blood thinners such as ecospirin or aspirin.
- Hair loss and palpitations are also frequently observed side effects of this chemical. However, they are not as prevalent as stomach pain and constipation.
- Pregnant women and lactating mothers should stay away from this supplement, as studies are still going on to understand and evaluate how this supplement affects the fetus.
- The supplement is not recommended for children.
- Many practitioners advice that people diagnosed with diabetes should stay away from these supplements, even though there isn’t substantial evidence to show its potential side effects.
- Eye products that contain chondroitin, such as the ones meant for cataract removal and for the treatment of itching in the eye, must be administered with care.
- People who are exposed to eye drops containing this compound, are at a greater risk of developing intraocular hypertension. This condition is extremely serious and can adversely affect the vision.
- In certain conditions, a person may experience extreme toughening and tightening of nails.
- Skin rashes and reactions may develop, if the individual is administered glucosamine and chondroitin supplements. These supplements may also increase the skin sensitivity to sun.
Hence, do not consume chondroitin at your own discretion, and seek medical opinion before starting its consumption.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.