Chromium polynicotinate is a trivalent chromium compound that is nowadays included in many supplements, that are mainly used to control blood sugar and reduce weight. Find out more about its benefits, side effects, and dosage, in this HealthHearty article.
Chromium polynicotinate is a trivalent chromium compound that is widely used for making chromium supplementation. Chromium exists in several forms, of which trivalent chromium compounds like chromium picolinate and chromium polynicotinate are the stable compounds that can be used as a source of chromium.
As compared to chromium picolinate, chromium polynicotinate is considered to be more safe and effective in providing the required amount of chromium. Chromium binds with niacin to form this compound, and so, it is more readily absorbed by the intestine. This is the reason why it is widely used as a nutritional supplement for a number of health conditions, including diabetes and obesity.
Chromium Polynicotinate Benefits
This compounds can facilitate several crucial biological functions in the human body. It provides chromium, which is one of the most important trace minerals that plays a key role in the metabolism of sugar and fat. Chromium is also required for the regulation of blood glucose level, and for the synthesis and metabolism of cholesterol.
This mineral is also responsible for assisting the synthesis of insulin, and enhancing its ability to maintain the correct level of blood sugar. So, chromium supplements are basically used to stabilize the level of blood sugar in diabetic patients. Chromium polynicotinate can prove effective in improving glucose tolerance and reducing insulin resistance.
Apart from regulating the level of blood glucose, this chromium compound can help increase lean muscles, regulate the level of blood cholesterol, and facilitate the synthesis of protein. Several studies conducted in this regard have pointed out that chromium supplements can help increase metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, and thus promote weight loss, without the loss of muscle mass. So, obese people can benefit immensely from the supplements of this chromium compound.
Possible Side Effects
If taken in the appropriate dosage, chromium supplements have not been found to cause any serious side effects. Usually, a daily dose of 50 to 200 mcg of chromium polynicotinate is usually recommended for adults. But those who are considering to take these supplements for losing weight may need a higher dose. However, if taken excessively, chromium supplements can cause a few side effects. The presence of a high level of chromium in the body for a prolonged time period can eventually damage the kidneys, and cause kidney failure.
An excessive intake of chromium can also cause liver dysfunction, gastrointestinal problems, nausea, dizziness, headaches, and anemia. Chromium can also interact with certain medications, especially with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These drugs can increase the absorption and retention of chromium in the body. People taking insulin should not use chromium supplements without consulting their health care provider. If it is taken with insulin, the level of blood sugar can drop to a very low level leading to hypoglycemia.
Therefore, it is always better to consult a physician or health care provider regarding the dosage of chromium supplements. At the same time, one should take into account that, chromium is also found many foods, of which some important dietary sources are, meat, whole grains, cheese, broccoli, tea, brewer’s yeast, and mushrooms. As far as supplementation is concerned, do not forget to talk to your health care provider regarding the appropriate dosage, and the precautions that need to be taken while using the supplements.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only, and should not be treated as a substitute for professional medical advice.