Chronic fatigue can be caused owing to any reason – stress, lack of vitamins, low immunity, etc. This article will discuss whether chronic fatigue and vitamin D deficiency are related.
We all experience fatigue and the feeling of tiredness in our day-to-day life on a minor scale. This is obvious and quite normal. But there is a big reason to worry if the fatigue lasts for an abnormal amount of time, even when the body is getting enough rest. If not addressed on time, chronic (which means for long duration) fatigue can cause harmful after effects.
Researchers are clueless about the exact causes of this disorder. A lot of causes have been predicted though, which include the following:
- Viral infection
- Stress
- Aging
- Genetics
- Prior illnesses related to the heart, kidney, liver, etc.
This syndrome is an unusual and prolonged feeling of tiredness experienced by the body, due to a number of reasons. Serious levels can affect the routine activities of the person, and in extreme cases, he/she may even get bedridden for months.
The general symptoms are:
- Abnormal experience of tiredness even after regular physical activity
- A tired feeling in the morning
- Unusual Headache
- Forgetfulness
- Joint pain
- Mild fever
- Muscle aches
- Sore Throat
It has been found that low vitamin D levels and chronic fatigue are related. The relation between the two is outlined below.
Relation to Vitamin D Deficiency
Some researchers believe that lack of vitamin D in the patient can be one of the causes for chronic fatigue. This vitamin is the key to strong bone health, which in turn is the key to overall health. Its deficiency can lead to many disorders like osteoporosis, arthritis, and joint pain. It is one of the vitamins that the body produces naturally with the help of sunlight.
It helps in the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, which are the backbones of sound bones and teeth. If the body is not adequately exposed to sunlight, a deficiency of vitamin D occurs, and the body starts showing the effects in the form of fatigue and joint pain. Its benefits are:
- It plays a key role in the absorption and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the body.
- It is also necessary for a good immune system.
- It reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis, which is a serious disorder.
- It also helps in maintaining desired weight.
- It helps in the prevention of asthma.
- It is also essential for a healthy brain.
Now as we can see, the fatigue symptoms include joint and muscle pain, and lack of this vitamin can also lead to joint pain, thus, there is an obvious relation between the two disorders. If a person avoids sunlight and also the food sources of vitamin D, the body is bound to be deprived of this essential vitamin, and then starts showing up the symptoms. As we had seen in the previous paragraphs, prolonged fatigue can lead to many harmful effects.
If you are experiencing extreme fatigue and your diet does not include this vitamin, then increase its intake in your meals. This may can solve the problem to some extent. However, do not jump to conclusions on your own; do this only if a physician can confirm that the deficiency of this vitamin is the cause behind your fatigue. To confirm this fact, you need to visit your physician, he will use certain methods to diagnose the vitamin level in the body. Accordingly, he may prescribe the appropriate medicines.
So, take an adequate amount of vitamin D to keep yourselves at bay from chronic fatigue, as you never know the two might be closely related in your case. Be an early riser and enjoy the morning sun, and eventually load yourself with this nutrient, to fight fatigue!
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.