Just had a colectomy surgery? Want to know what are the eating habits that you need to follow now? Then this HealthHearty article provides a list of what you are supposed to eat both before and after the surgery.
Sometimes, when the colon or the long intestine gets infected due to certain reasons, the colon has to be removed, so that the rest of the abdomen does not get infected. The process of removal of the colon or the long intestine is called colectomy. Before and after the surgery, the doctors suggest that the patient follow a strict diet. This is because, once the intestine is removed the person experiences bowel problems such as diarrhea, dehydration, or even releasing of bad odor.
It is normal, since the enzymes of the colon have still not started working properly. And to stop this problem, what the patient has to do is, follow a proper diet just after the surgery. So, during the recovery period, the person needs to take in a low residue diet, so that it can be digested properly. Here is some information about the same.
Foods to Eat
There are certain tips that will help you recover fast after a colectomy. Eat your food slowly, chew it well and then swallow. If the food is not digested properly, then the person might face problems like diarrhea. Do not eat too much food at one go, instead, eat your meal 5 or 6 times a day, but eat in small amounts each time. Your stomach needs time to digest the food. There are certain foods and drinks which you must include in your total or partial diet.
They are:
- Applesauce is highly recommended food. It helps to control the loose bowel problems or diarrhea.
- Fruits are not included in the diet but eating fruits is good to prevent diarrhea.
- Fruits like bananas is also good, as they control the loose bowel movements.
- Yogurts and tapioca again can be included.
- Include pasta in your diet.
- Boiled rice and sugar-free cereals are also good.
- Foods that are rich in proteins, such as eggs and fish should also be consumed.
- Chicken, peanut butter, and turkey can also be eaten, as they too are rich in proteins.
- Water and juices of non-pulpy fruits are good to prevent dehydration of the body.
Foods to Avoid
There are certain foods which you need to avoid including in your partial or total diet. They are:
- Raw vegetables; not all but those that cause gas in the stomach such as cauliflower, broccoli, beetroot, and Brussels sprouts should be eaten. Gas formation is one of the main problems that the patient faces after surgery.
- Fruits are not a part of the diet, as some of them might cause irregular bowel movements.
- Foods rich in fiber, such as wheat and bran cereals is a big no no.
- Beans or lentils or peas, cannot be eaten after colectomy surgery.
- Fatty foods like cakes, pies, and sausages, or maybe chicken (fried) should not be eaten.
- Processed meat like ham or pork should be avoided for few months.
- Nuts and chocolates should also not form a part.
- Caffeine and lemonade, or pulpy juices should be strictly avoided.
Besides this, if the doctor asks you to avoid any food or include some additional food, then do follow what he says. If you follow a strict and healthy diet for few months after the surgery, take proper rest, and carry out some strength gaining exercises, then you will not have any problems after the surgery.
Disclaimer: This article is for informative purposes only and does not in any way attempt to replace the advice offered by an expert on the subject.