There are numerous collagen supplements, benefits of which have proven effective for the overall development of the body. If taken according to prescription, they have positive and regenerative effects on health.
It has been proved by research that proteins are the building blocks of body tissues, and are naturally found in the bodies of mammals. Collagen is one such fibrous protein that helps in the formation of skin, bones, connective tissues, etc. It also maintains the health of the muscles, blood vessels, and the elasticity of the skin. As the body ages, the amount of collagen gradually decreases and the skin begins to develop signs of aging. This is where collagen supplements can help the most.
How They Prove to be Beneficial
Collagen supplements are available in different forms, such as capsules, tablets, injections and liquids, to suit every individual’s need. However, they should be taken according to the prescribed dosage. Following are some benefits:
- Collagen is considered to be the best anti-aging supplement. As the skin ages, it tends to lose its firmness and elasticity. Collagen supplements for skin are used to reduce the occurrence of wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin. They contain collagen I and collagen III, which are non-glucosamine in nature. Collagen injections are used to inject this protein into the upper layer (or epidermis) of the skin to treat signs of aging. Lip augmentation is also done with the help of these supplements.
- They are effectively used to treat inflammatory diseases like arthritis and also orthopedic/bone injuries. These supplements, sometimes taken in the form of pills, are used in combination with glucosamine to treat pain in the joints, reduce inflammation of the tissue, and improve movements of the bones. They improve the elasticity of joints, so that there is no discomfort during any activity. Patients with arthritis, osteoporosis, or any other bone and joint disorder are administered collagen II, since it contains a component called hyaline cartilage, which acts as an adhesive to join the bones and strengthen the joints.
- Taking such supplements can also improve and speed up the process of healing and repair, since they trigger the production of platelets that are required for covering the wound.
- These supplements are also taken by athletes and other sportspersons, since they act as energy supplements. They also play a key role in maintaining muscle mass and avoiding storage of excess fats in the body.
- These supplements prevent hair loss and brittle nails; their regular use is known to promote the growth of thick, lustrous hair, and strong nails.
- A proper diet, rich in lysine and vitamin C should be taken, in tandem with these supplements. This will help improve the absorption of collagen in the body and also its functioning.
A person who is on a routine of collagen supplements may feel rejuvenated and fresh. The effect can be seen, only after approximately two weeks of usage. However, before taking such or any other supplements, it is always advisable to do it under the guidance of a healthcare provider.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.