Collagenous colitis is a condition which causes inflammation of colon. A special diet may help you to prevent this condition from progressing further.
Inflammatory bowel disease is an umbrella term used to define variety of colon diseases. Collagenous colitis is a type of inflammatory bowel disease which is characterized by inflammation to colon. Although, this condition is not the most severe form of inflammatory bowel disease, its symptom, persistent diarrhea, can be quite annoying. Besides, abdominal pain and nausea can also be difficult to deal with. In this article, we are going to look at the special collagenous colitis diet to minimize the painful symptoms of this disease.
What is Collagenous Colitis
Collagenous colitis is a disease in which the large intestine or colon becomes inflamed. Although, the exact cause of this condition is not known, it can be widely attributed to an infection caused by bacteria or virus. Excessive use of NSAIDs is also somehow linked to this disease. A person suffering from this disease experiences severe abdominal pain. However, the worst symptom of this condition is frequent, watery diarrhea. More often than not, this condition resolves itself, without any need for treatment.
This is a very mild form of inflammatory bowel disease and may not warrant an emergency. However, persistent diarrhea can make a person weak and exhausted. Hence, it is important to keep these symptoms in check. This can be achieved by making certain changes to your diet.
Collagenous Colitis Diet
Irrespective of the underlying causes, simple changes to your daily diet can help in reducing painful symptoms of this condition. As this condition temporarily impairs the function of your colon, it is a must that you consume a diet that does not stress out your digestive system. This disease leaves only a few options for you to eat, as the list of foods to avoid is very long. We have split the diet into foods that are to be eaten and foods that are to be avoided. First let us see what you are allowed to eat while on this diet.
What to Eat
Colitis diet should ideally consist of low fat, low fiber diet. Fats are difficult to digest and while your colon is already in a compromised state, it only makes sense to avoid fats. Also, a low fiber diet can be good in this condition as it retains water in your body. You are usually encouraged to eat high fiber diet as fibers stimulate the production of stool. Formation of stool can irritate colon and may aggravate symptoms. Also, fibers extract water from the intestine. As persistent diarrhea already makes you dehydrated, it only makes sense to cut down your intake of fibers. Simple, home cooked meal comprising clear soups, chicken broth are best for colitis. Cooked rice, vegetables can also be eaten in moderation.
What Not to Eat
As mentioned above, the list of foods to avoid is quite long. Avoid eating raw vegetables and fruits as they are difficult to digest. Also avoid veggies like beans, broccoli, cauliflower as they are high fiber foods, hence may cause bloating. Cut down your intake of coffee and alcohol as both are diuretics, meaning they cause you to urinate frequently, thereby causing loss of water in your body. One must also avoid dairy products as they contain lactose, a form of natural sugar which irritates the colon. Chocolates and other sugary foods should also be eliminated from your diet.
Apart from following the above mentioned diet, it is also important to increase your water intake to prevent dehydration. Drink half an ounce of water for one pound of body weight. Hope you found this article resourceful.