Wilson’s disease and heterochromia are two medical conditions in which the person shows a colored circle around the pupil. Go through the following article to get some information on these two diseases.
Presence of a colored circle around the pupil is not a common condition. It is one of the rarest problems of the human eye. This condition is not a disease in itself but a symptom of some rare genetic diseases and medical conditions. Many times, the abnormality goes unnoticed, as the colored ring is visible only in bright light. However, if it is detected on time, the underlying cause can be treated before the condition becomes serious. So, in case you have been noticing a colored circle around your pupil for quite sometime, then you need to seek medical assistance at the earliest.
The medical professionals conduct some specific tests to determine the hidden cause. Diagnostic tests, involving the use of blood, are used to determine the level of copper in the body. The doctors may even work upon your genetic material (DNA) to find any abnormalities in the genetic makeup. If the causative factor turns out to be genetic, then the disease and associated symptoms are difficult to treat. However, some uncomfortable symptoms can be relieved to a certain extent.
Possible Causes
Wilson’s Disease
☛ Wilson’s disease is a genetic disorder that prevents your body from excreting excess copper. Your body usually obtains copper from foods. But, only a small amount of it is required for sound health. The copper is filtered out by the liver and released into the bile.
☛ It then gets removed from the body through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In case you have Wilson’s disease, your body won’t be able to excrete the extra copper. This copper would then accumulate in the liver, eyes, kidneys, and brain. Too much of copper acts like a poison for the body.
☛ According to studies, one out of every 40,000 people have the homozygous recessive genetic trait for Wilson’s disease. Some characteristic symptoms of this disease include:
- Swelling of liver and spleen
- The white of the eyes become pale
- The legs and abdomen accumulate fluids
- The body becomes prone to cuts and injuries
- Prematurely experience of osteoporosis and arthritis
- You may also notice a colored circle around your pupil
- The level of amino acids, uric acid, protein, and carbohydrates increases in the urine.
- Fatigue, muscle stiffness, uncontrolled movements, behavioral changes, anemia, and low platelet count
✎ Heterochromia is described as the anatomical condition in which the color of the iris of one eye differs from that of the other in a person.
✎ It occurs when there is either excess or very little melanin in the body. Heterochromia can, therefore, show a difference in the coloration of the hair or skin as well.
✎ However, it most commonly affects the eyes. It may be caused due to several factors in which inheritance and injury are the most common.
✎ The cases of injury include direct blow to the eye, bleeding within the eye, eye tumors, inflammation within the eye, and other similar conditions.
✎ This disease is considered to be a sporadically occurring, harmless phenomenon that is associated with other medical conditions.
While you are under medical treatment, particularly for Wilson’s disease, strictly follow all the instructions and recommendations given by the doctor. Take all the prescribed medicines on time and follow the advised dietary changes. This will result in a speedy recovery. Get well soon!
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.