Recently, you must have come across a lot of hoopla over the various benefits of coenzyme Q10. Here’s a little something that you might find useful regarding CoQ10 for high blood pressure.
Facts and rumors regarding various biological benefits of CoQ10 has been doing the rounds in the medicine and health care circuits for quite sometime now. Primary and most significant among these are various discussions regarding Coenzyme Q10 benefits for cardiovascular health that claim the efficacy of CoQ10 in improving heart functions and promoting health and wellness of the circulatory system. Sounds interesting, huh? Well, then why don’t we precede this discussion on CoQ10 for high blood pressure with a brief tutorial on what CoQ10 really is and how it works inside the body to bring about improvements in various physiological functions? Here we go.
What is Coenzyme Q10?
Coenzyme Q10 is an oil soluble chemical compound which resembles a certain category of vitamins in terms of structure as well as functions. This chemical compound is present in all organisms that have a eukaryotic cellular biology. CoQ10 is mostly found in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells and its primary function is to facilitate the aerobic cellular respiratory process, thereby playing a significant role in the generation of the molecular unit of currency, ATP, which is the form in which intracellular energy transfer occurs within the body. This is the mode in which as much as 95% of the energy of the human body is generated! Technically speaking, coenzyme Q10 belongs to the para quinone group of chemical compounds and its molecular formula is C59H90O4.
As an energy carrying unit, coenzyme Q10 is a very potent antioxidant that is necessary for the body so that all its vital functions along with the organs that carry out these functions (heart, kidney, liver, etc.) are maintained in perfect running order. Due to this reason, the highest concentration of coenzyme Q10 can be found in the cells and tissues of these very organs. Also, being an active participant in the cellular metabolism function, CoQ10 significantly influences weight loss efforts as they aid in burning lipids faster, preventing their unnecessary accumulation in the body.
Managing High Blood Pressure with Coenzyme Q10
So what’s the connection between CoQ10 and high blood pressure control? Well, clinical studies involving subjects suffering from various cardiovascular diseases including hypertension has revealed a startling relation between the levels of coenzyme and cardiovascular health. According to these observations, there is a direct relation between coenzyme Q10 deficiency and tendency towards cardiovascular diseases such as heart failure, high blood pressure and weakness of the cardiac muscle! Clinical trials have clearly shown a significant reduction in blood pressure in subjects suffering from chronic hypertension when CoQ10 supplements were administered to them.
Although the exact mechanism of CoQ10 for high blood pressure management has still not been established clearly, it has been suggested that this vitamin-resembling, naturally occurring chemical compound plays an active role in strengthening the cardiac muscles and fortifying vascular walls, thereby establishing a healthy systolic and diastolic rhythm. Also, being a potent biological antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 boosts the overall immune system so that all the vital organs and functions thereof run perfectly without any threat of infections and diseases. Since vital organs consume the lion’s share of cellular energy produced by the mitochondria, it is all the more necessary for these organs to have a sufficiently large concentration of coenzyme Q10 in their tissues.
Besides being a potent antioxidant, coenzyme Q10 is also an accelerator of sluggish metabolism. This means that sufficient levels of coenzyme Q10 in the body is essential for various weight loss efforts to have their optimum effects! Therefore, considering its benefits in terms of keeping the cardiac functions up-to-date and aiding in burning lipids, it can be clearly inferred that a healthy level of coenzyme Q10 in the body lowers incidences of cholesterol build-ups and resultant arterial blockage, leading to reduced risk of stroke and coronary heart disease.