A relatively new form of eye therapy, corneal refractive therapy can help you enjoy good vision during the day without the help of contact lenses and spectacles! In this article you can read more about the various facets of this therapy.
Generally, advanced stages of eye problems require surgery or advanced treatments. The eyes, being an extremely sensitive organ, needs treatment that can reduce the probability of infections and provide effective treatment. Medical experts constantly aim to develop such technologies that offer maximum benefit to eye patients with the least risk.
What is Corneal Refractive Therapy?
For the layman, this therapy can be described as a non-surgical process that helps in shaping of the cornea during sleep. The person wears CRT lenses at night and removes it when he wakes up in the morning. He can perform his daily tasks without wearing any lenses or spectacles. Generally, this therapy is linked to Orthokeratology, that is the reshaping of the cornea to reduce problems of myopia.
However, corneal reshaping by Orthokeratology is an old method and is less effective than the newly developed therapy method. This recent technology has seen advancements in areas of corneal surface mapping, computerized manufacturing, and oxygen permeable contact lens materials. The advancements in these areas have helped scientists develop contact lenses that are therapeutic in nature and provide medical help to eye patients.
Basically, while going to bed, a person with minor problems of myopia is advised to put on gas permeable contact lenses that help the inner redistribution of thickness of corneal epithelium, which helps in balancing of the refractive ability of cornea.
The therapy offers liberty to people to keep their spectacles at home and enjoy an active life during the day. People who are interested in sports and other physical activities, but are often unable to participate in them due to interference of spectacles or lenses, can benefit from this therapy. Another advantage of this therapy is that since the lenses are worn during night, chances of eye irritation and dryness that are possible while wearing lenses during the day (due to pollution) are eliminated. The most beneficial aspect of this process is that its effects are reversible. Initially, this therapy will show slow improvement in vision, however, after a period of 10 to 14 days, the individual will notice fairly good changes in vision power. The vision power after this process is generally very clear and is hailed to be its most positive feature.
Although this therapy is not linked to several side effects, in some cases, swelling of the cornea or swelling of the eyes have been reported. Some patients may feel slight discomfort during the initial days of wearing lenses, this slowly fades away with time. The most common side effect observed is corneal edema, in which the transparency of cornea is lost.
The cost varies for every state and medical practitioner. In some cases, the cost may range between USD 1500 to USD 2500. However, costs may fluctuate depending on the course of treatment. It is advisable to contact your eye doctor so that he can guide you through the entire process. Many regard this therapy as one of the safest eye therapies, and so it has become more popular these days.