When it comes to using topical products for eczema, corticosteroid creams are the first choice. Scroll down to know more about creams that are effective to treat this skin condition.
Eczema is a skin problem that is typically marked by formation of scaly, inflamed, blistered skin. The affected skin appears extremely dry and itchy. Eczema usually occurs on the face, the inner side of the elbows, knees, and the wrists. A solution to alleviate this skin problem is to use creams for eczema.
Eczema Creams
Corticosteroids can work wonders to minimize itching and inflammation associated with eczema. Its powerful anti-inflammatory activity ensures that the condition does not last long. Although corticosteroid creams are highly effective to treat this skin condition, prolonged use of these topical agents is not advised, as it can damage the skin. Corticosteroid creams act as great moisturizers and prevent the skin from becoming dry. Mild strength corticosteroids can be used for facial eczema.
Usually, mild to moderate strength steroid creams are prescribed for the treatment of this skin condition. Some of the popular corticosteroid creams available are as follows:
- Hyderm
- Celestoderm
- Cortef
- Cyclocort
- Betnovate
- Bettamousse
Lubriderm nourishes the skin and provides long-lasting relief from eczema. Its mild formulation repairs the skin safely and reduces irritation and itchiness associated with this condition. This is a lubricating cream that does not allow the skin to lose its moisture. For best results, one must use it immediately after having a bath.
Another way to improve eczema involves application of Nutraderm. Regular application of Nutraderm can help to soothe dry and flaky skin. It contains alpha-hydroxy moisturizers that help to restore youthful vitality in your skin.
Baby skin affected with eczema can also be treated with Nivea. Nivea is a moisturizing cream that gently works on the skin to get rid of this condition. Skin specialist too recommend use of Nivea cream. Upon application, the body readily absorbs this cream. Also, as it contains natural oils, applying it regularly can soften and improve the complexion of the skin.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.