The deltoid ligament stabilizes the medial part of the ankle joint. This article provides information on the symptoms and treatment of any injury to this ligament.
The human body is a complex system, made up of many different systems. Along with the bone structure; muscles, ligaments, fibers together form the skeletal structure of the body. There are a number of ligaments in the muscular system of the body. Likewise, there are a number of ligaments located in the ankle joint. One such ligament is known as the deltoid ligament. We will now find out about this ligament, its function, etc.
The other name of this ligament is medial ligament. It is located in the talocrural joint, which is present inside the ankle joint. The ligament is strong, flat, triangular band, attached to the anterior and posterior borders of the ankle joint. It is a complex ligament made up of a number of other ligaments, namely anterior tibiotalar ligament, tibiocalcaneal ligament, posterior tibiotalar ligament, and tibionavicular ligament. There are two different sets of fibers in this ligament, out of which some are superficial and some are deep. This ligament provides stability to the ankle and ensures that the ankle does not overpronate. Medial ankle pain and instability due to injury in this ligament is very common in athletes.
Ligament Sprain
An injury or sprain in this ligament can occur due to two reasons. Firstly, the fibula bone, which ensures that the ankle joint does not move far, may get sprained or tear the ligament due to some sudden movement. Secondly, ankle sprain in case of fracture of fibula or some other bones located in the ankle joint, causes tearing of this ligament. Such an injury is referred to as medial ankle sprain or eversion sprain. An eversion injury to the ankle, where the foot is twisted outward is also a major cause of this condition.
The person may feel pain on the inside of the ankle due to the ligament injury. Rapid swelling of the ankle can also be seen in some cases. In case of a torn ligament, bruising might be observed. The person may find it difficult to walk, as bearing weight on the joint may become difficult.
The first part of treatment for ankle pain involves sufficient rest. It is important to let the ligament heal on its own. Application of ice or use of compression bandage on the affected area will be able to contain the swelling. Keeping the legs on an elevated surface will keep swelling to its minimum. Physical therapy might also prove beneficial to regain full mobility and it may also strengthen the ankle joint. Using different exercises can also prove beneficial to prevent any more injuries to the joint.
If the injury to this ligament takes more than 48 hours to heal, then it is best to consult your health care professional. She/he will also be able to determine, if there is any internal injury to the ligament. An X-ray examination would be required to rule out any fracture in the affected area. Some ankle strengthening exercises may also be advised for fast healing. People with ligament tear might require ligament repair surgery. People affected by this condition require prolonged immobilization as primary or postoperative treatment.