Poor digestive health can have serious repercussions on one’s well-being. Scroll down to find out why one may suffer from digestive problems along with ways to prevent the same.
Do you often suffer from constipation, heartburn, stomach cramps or bloating? These are some of the many medical conditions that are indicative of poor digestive health. Are you aware of the reasons behind the improper functioning of your digestive system? Let’s first find out about the functions of the organs that are involved in the digestive process. The food that we eat enters into our system through our mouth. It follows a path that runs from our mouth into a series of organs that comprise esophagus, stomach, small and large intestines. By digestion, we mean conversion of macro food particles into smaller and simpler forms. It is this mechanical and chemical breakdown of food that facilitates the absorption of nutrients by the body. Our digestive system plays an important role providing energy to all the body cells and tissues.
Along with these organs, liver and pancreas also aid in the process of digestion by producing digestive juices or enzymes. These digestive juices and enzymes help in breaking down the complex food substances into simpler forms. Once the nutrients are absorbed, these are circulated through the bloodstream to the areas of the body where they provide energy or help in maintaining cellular growth. If your digestive system is not working properly, you might be at an increased risk for contracting several health problems.
Digestive Problems
An unhealthy lifestyle is one of the most common causes of digestive problems. Eating junk food all the time can be one major contributory factor for the improper functioning of digestion system. Besides paying attention to the diet, you must also make sure that you chew your food properly. The breakdown of food will not take place properly if you just gulp your food and don’t chew it long enough. This impairs the salivary action that helps in breaking the food apart. The undigested food could then undergo the process of fermentation, thereby giving an open invitation to bacteria to grow. Stress can also play an adverse effect on the digestive process.
Digestive problems commonly affect those who make poor lifestyle choices. Every part of the gastrointestinal tract has its own set of problems. Indigestion, gas, acid reflux disease or flatulence are some of the very annoying digestive problems that can be prevented if one makes dietary changes and stops living a sedentary lifestyle. However, some digestive disorders are fatal and need an extensive treatment. Gastrointestinal distress, gallstones, Crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diverticulitis and stomach ulcers are some of the common diseases that affect our digestive system adversely. These diseases can cause severe pain and discomfort. If distressing symptoms persist, you must visit a digestive health center. Get yourself thoroughly examined by specialists. An early diagnosis will pave way for a quicker recovery.
How to Prevent Digestive Problems
Start by changing your dietary habits. Avoid foods that cause gas. Refrain from eating fatty and spicy foods. You must drink lots of water and take a high-fiber diet. You must never rush your meal down. Chew your food slowly so that the enzymes present in saliva can break the food down into smaller particles. Taking probiotics can also help in maintaining the natural balance of organisms in the intestines. Probiotics can be found in yogurt or may be available as dietary supplements. Since stress can also have an adverse effect on your digestive process, stay relaxed. Those who often suffer from mild indigestion can try natural remedies, but if you are suffering from recurring bouts of sharp pains or severe cramps in your stomach, it would be better to consult a doctor.
This was a brief overview on digestive problems. The best way to prevent digestive disorders is to make dietary modifications. Following an exercise regimen will also prove beneficial.