Plastic surgery is an option that one can avail of to get rid of a stubborn double chin. The surgery is fast and provides instant results. The article provides information about the types of surgery one can undergo to get immediate results.
Many people nowadays want a beautiful sculpted face, with a visible jawline. However, the development of a double chin can be very irritating for some people. It is a condition which arises due to excess weight gain and loosening of muscles around the chin and neck. It can be a very disfiguring trait and make a person feel overweight, old, or unattractive. Hence people try a lot of things to get rid of it, like trying different hairstyles, makeup, and various exercises. There are many exercises that one can perform, to lose the fat around the chin like, the chin lift exercise, the neck roll exercise, and the jaw release exercise. However, when all these techniques fail, a person can always turn to double chin plastic surgery. This surgery is done to remove the layers of fat from underneath the face, in the neck region.
One of the best method to lose the excess fat is liposuction. This procedure involves the removal of fat from under the chin. It is performed by a plastic surgeon. The procedure is helpful for those who have normal facial contour with a slightly convex profile. In this procedure, along with the chin fat, the sagging skin that is present around the chin region, is also tightened and stitched together. This procedure is known as microcannular liposuction. Very small incisions (as small as 2 mm in diameter) are made under the skin of the chin and then a cannula is inserted, with the help of which the fat is removed.
There are many advantages of this procedure. Firstly, this procedure is done under local anesthesia and not general anesthesia. Hence, there are less chances of side effects due to the general anesthesia. Secondly, the incisions are so small, that there is hardly any bleeding, and least trauma to the skin tissues. Due to all these factors, the recovery time is very less, and the patient can resume normal activities after four or five days. However, there may be a mild swelling, which will eventually subside. There are no long-term side effects of this procedure, and the cost of this procedure is less as compared to other surgical procedures.
This procedure is done on people who are slim or who have a thin frame, but end up having a double chin because of a retruded or receding chin. Such people do not have a very visible chin, due to which even a little bit of fat accumulated under the chin becomes very visible. In such cases, the bone that is present in the chin is repositioned frontally, so that it makes the chin look more prominent. This surgical option is only for people who do not have a very prominent chin.
Although these options may seem feasible and may look like an easy way out, they are costly. The surgery might cost around USD 3000 to USD 5000. So, if you don’t wish to opt for the surgery and are looking for a natural alternative, then following a healthy diet and exercise routine is the only way out. Also, even though the surgery is effective, it is only a quick fix. If healthy diet and exercises are not incorporated in the lifestyle, then the condition can return.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.