If you are suffering from allergies due to dust mites and want to know about the treatment options, you have come to the right page. Scroll down for details.
Dust mites are present in our homes, no matter how clean we keep it. They are on our carpets, bed sheets, sofas, mattresses, etc., and they love the warm and humid climate. Dust mites are microscopic organisms, who love to feed on the dead cells of our body. These organisms produce a lot of waste material, which when inhaled, make the person allergic. As allergies can lead to severe problems like asthma, bronchitis and other breathing related diseases, it is essential to get rid of dust mites in time. This article concentrates on the treatment due to mites. Let us proceed to find out how the allergies resulting from mites are treated.
As mentioned earlier, dust mite allergy is caused when we inhale the waste material of the dust mites. This excretion has a type of protein which is responsible for inflammation in the nasal passage and makes the person sneeze. The immune system of the human body reacts to the protein and forms an antibody for protection in order to fight this protein.
This makes the immune system sensitive to this protein and hence, whenever we inhale the waste materials of the dust mites, the body reacts by causing inflammation in the nasal passage making us sneeze. We may also have a runny nose accompanied with the sneezing. If this allergy is not treated on time, it can lead to several severe breathing problems. Hence, timely treatment is essential. When the allergy reacts with the skin, it is called dust mite bites. Let us look into the symptoms of the allergy.
As mentioned earlier, the person starts sneezing and has a runny nose. The other symptoms include, itchy and watery eyes, cough, pressure in the facial muscles, pain in the face, swollen skin under the eyes, hay fever, nasal congestion and rubbing of nose. If the symptoms are not treated, they turn severe and lead to asthma. This happens because the protein in the waste materials of the dust mites causes continuous inflammation in the nasal passage which leads to asthma.
Shortness of breath, bouts of wheezing, inability to sleep, pain in the chest, breathing problems, flu and tightness in the chest or chest pains are the severe symptoms faced when a person contracts asthma. Those who have a history of allergies in the family and those who are constantly exposed to areas with dust mites are at a higher risk of suffering from such allergies.
The chances that they can become severe, cannot be ruled out too. Children are also at the risk of suffering from allergies and it is always better to provide them with the treatment in early childhood itself so that the allergies do not aggravate later.
In order to diagnose the type of allergy you are suffering from you might have to take an allergy skin test and a blood test. These tests are sufficient to determine the cause of your allergies. Once it is determined that you are allergic to dust mites, next comes the treatment. There are many different medications which the doctor may prescribe for you. You might have to take some antihistamines which will help in providing relief from the inflammation in the nose and the sneezing.
Nasal sprays containing corticosteroids may also be prescribed which help in reducing the inflammation in the nose. In addition to these, the doctor may also prescribe some medicines which will help in increasing the immune system of the body. Salt water rinse or a salt water flush is one of the most effective treatment which also helps in providing relief. If you are too allergic, you might try using the special allergy bedding for dust mite allergy relief.
As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, dust mites are microscopic organisms which will be present around you no matter how clean you are and how clean your house is. So how to get rid of them? Well, you can take certain precautions like airing the house everyday, washing the rugs, carpets, bed sheets, etc., once a week, using a very fine scarf to cover your nose while dusting, avoiding going in dusty areas and dusting the house daily. Airing your house and allowing the sunlight inside the house will kill mites. In spite of doing all of this, if you still show the symptoms of allergy, it is necessary to consult a doctor for timely treatment. Do not ignore these symptoms, else they might turn chronic.