To clear out the wax blockage from the ears, one can use over-the-counter earwax drops or certain household oils to get rid of the wax.
With some OTC earwax drops or some household oils you can soften the wax in the ear, and let it drain naturally. Here are some of the ingredients which can be used for getting rid of earwax.
Types of Earwax Drops
Olive Oil and Baby Oil: You can also use household items like olive oil, baby oil, mineral oil, or glycerin for earwax removal. For using drops like baby oil or olive oil, put few drops in the ear and let it sit for few minutes, then lie down with a towel under your ear and let the oil drip out. This method needs to be repeated every week in each ear to keep the ears free from excess of earwax. Make sure the oil is clean, so that no infection occurs. If you have any ear problems like eardrum perforation, then do not use these method to remove earwax.
Over-the-counter Products: For getting rid of wax from ears many over-the-counter dissolvers are available, which you can find at any drugstore. You will find earwax drops for kids which are milder. Ear drops like Auro, E-R-O, Debrox, and Murine ear drops contain carbamide peroxide as their active ingredient which helps to dissolve earwax plugs. An earwax removal system also comes with a syringe, that is easy to use and helps to put the drops in the ear. To use the product, follow the instructions mentioned on the label.
If you keep getting excessive earwax blockage, then by observing some preventive measures you can keep your ears clean and prevent too much wax from building up in the ears.
- Avoid using cotton swabs, hair pins, or car keys to clean the earwax. As these mechanical devices can rupture the eardrum and push the wax deeper.
- Keep using these drops on a weekly basis, if you get excessive blockage. With weekly irrigation you will greatly prevent any clogging of ears.
- You can use a cloth or paper tissue wrapped around your finger to clean the outer ear canal.
- If you work in an environment which is dusty, then wear ear plugs to prevent dust from entering the ears.
You can use OTC earwax removal drops or olive/baby oil to get rid of the wax. However, with earwax blockage if you have persistent hearing loss, severe ear pain, or drainage from the ear, then seek medical help.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only, and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.