Ear reconstruction is called 'otoplasty', and ear lobe repair is an important aspect of this procedure. This article tries to explore the options available for earlobe repair…
The use of heavy earrings over a period of time can cause an earlobe to tear, and this tear, if not treated properly, can cause ear infections and even loss of hearing. Piercing an earlobe can put it to risk of tearing, stretching, and scarring which can be unsightly. When wearing long earrings you are at risk of them getting caught in something, or a child pulling on them, causing a tear. Whatever the reason behind earlobe infection and damage, the remedy is the scalpel of a plastic surgeon for earlobe repair.
If you have a split earlobe, you can go to a cosmetic surgeon to get it fixed, it is a simple procedure. Split earlobe repair surgery is performed using local anesthesia and can last up to 1 – 2 hours, depending upon the nature of the wound. The procedure involves ‘freshening’ the tear, and then closing the wound using ‘Z-Plasty’ technique. The wound is then securely sutured and a dressing is put on it to keep it in place. Another technique is to directly suture the split earlobe together and this is done with a combination of dissolvable and skin sutures, that can be removed later. Yet another procedure is the jelly roll flap, in this a series of flaps are designed and constructed in a way to keep the earring hole open.
Post Operative Care
A patient will feel numbness in the operated area for about an hour or two, and if need be the doctor will prescribe pain medication. The patient also needs to take the prescribed dosage of antibiotic medication to prevent infection. Sometimes the doctor will also give an antibiotic ointment which has to be gently applied on the operated area. There are no dietary restrictions after ‘otoplasty’, but it is recommended that you increase Vitamin C intake. It is important to keep the dressing on the ear dry, and if you still feel the need to shampoo your hair, make sure you cover the dressing. Also remember to make it to your next appointment which can be scheduled after 5 – 7 days. Clean your ear 3 – 4 times a day with soap and water, avoid the use of a blow dryer as the operated area is sensitive and you may accidentally burn it. Some doctors advise to massage the area with cocoa butter as it helps in softening the scars.
Earlobe Repair Cost
The cost for earlobe reconstruction is variable and depends on the work that needs to be done. Some statistics have shown that it can cost you anywhere from USD 250 to USD 700 for earlobe repair. Some doctors even give a discount if you repair both ears; available data shows that doctors who charge USD 250 for one ear charge USD 400 for both the ears. Some doctors also offer to re-pierce your ear after the surgery for no extra charge. The costs can go up if the damage is big, for example if there is a big hole in the ear, it will cost considerably more to repair it.
‘Otoplasty’ can help a patient who is looking for a stretched repair or torn earlobe repair and otoplasty recovery time is only 6 – 8 weeks. It is advisable to stop wearing heavy earrings and large-gauge earrings as they cause many ear problems. Earlobe repair is a very simple procedure and there aren’t many complications to it. It can also improve the aesthetic features of your face and make you look young and beautiful.