Electronic medical record (EMR) software has revolutionized the whole record-keeping aspect of medical science. In this article, we will look at some of its features and benefits.
Nowadays, it has become very essential to increase efficiency and reduce costs, while delivering quality service. This is the prime reason why thousands of physicians the world over, now rely on advanced electronic medical record systems. The application enables the harnessing of additional power and offers flexibility and reliability.
The application enables the unit to access comprehensive patient information including individual demographics, insurance, referrals, case management details, etc. The speedy patient registration enables the staff to identify ‘alert’ messages including duplication warnings, while the record-keeping facilitates updating insurance plans and hospital stay.
The special patient and guarantor account retrieval makes it possible to access patient and guarantor name, date of birth, and details on the social security account and insurance policy. The code tracking feature allows user-definable tracking with auto recall to address essential immunization and annual check ups. The system allows automatic computation of all managed data.
How Does It Enhance Financial Management?
The easy viewing of managed capitation, referral tracking, and copayments, if any, enable the accounts staff to balance the utilization and outcomes. The system tracks service posting date, insurance, and credit type, by department and provider. The referral tracking warns about approaching referral service limits and provides an analysis of capitation fees and the post-operative date for reimbursement. It takes on the accounts receivable and collection activity via complete computation of the tracking mechanism, and reporting on dynamic formats and flexible customization.
Patient Listing
New patient listing within the system takes place by dedicated sorting and filtering of A/R class, department-wise, insurance and provider type, and the referring doctor, plus, date range, which could be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. The feature of screen-preview and printing double checks all reports, receipts, treatment records, insurance, and encounter forms, and any other case specific documentation. The word processing facility is integrated with other system modules and automates the mail-merge of important communication between a group of patients, providers, insurance companies, attorneys, etc.
The archival of communication on date of service ranges, diagnoses, procedures, operative reports, pre-collection letters, etc., is also taken care of by the software. The documents are supported by stand-alone merging information from the integrated database. The electronic medium enables the use of customized screen settings, user-defined appointment types, time slot intervals by provider or room, etc. The user-defined reports include those on capitation, managed care, practice/procedure/referral/diagnosis analysis, insurance aging, and transaction summary reports.
Technical Highlights
The real-time, post-relational SQL database is not only fast, but also powerful and very flexible, and so is the graphical user interface. The server system is open and extendable, and all mouse functions have keyboard equivalent shortcuts.