Emphysematous cholecystitis is a type of gallbladder disease and its most common symptoms are pain in the abdominal area and loss of appetite.
Cholecystitis refers to the condition in which the gallbladder is inflamed. The gallbladder is an organ that lies below the liver. The main function of the gallbladder is to store and pass the bile (digestive juice) produced by the liver to the stomach, to promote digestion. Emphysematous cholecystitis (EC), is a severe bacterial infection of the gallbladder and is considered to be a rare form of cholecystitis. In this condition, the microbial activity of the bacteria leads to the formation of gas in the gallbladder. Studies show that approximately, 1% of cholecystitis patients are diagnosed with EC.
Formation of gallstones can also lead to cholecystitis and EC. Approximately, 30-80% of patients diagnosed with EC show presence of gallstones. Typically, this hardened mass (gallstone) forms in the gallbladder but when it moves in the cystic duct (tube that connects the gallbladder with the bile duct), the flow of bile from the gallbladder to the intestine temporarily stops. Thus, the bile gets accumulated in the gallbladder, leading to inflammation and pain.
Diabetes patients have an impaired immune system, hence they are vulnerable to various types of infections, including those that affect the gallbladder. The prevalence of gallbladder problems is high in these patients, especially when diabetes is not managed properly. According to reports, around 30-54% of EC patients are also affected with diabetes.
Insufficient Blood Circulation
The bacterial infection can also be the result of inadequate blood flow to the gallbladder. The cystic artery carries oxygenated blood and delivers it to the gallbladder. Over time, the artery may become thick and stiff, thus limiting blood supply to gallbladder. In such circumstances, gallbladder gets deprived of sufficient oxygen supply, thus creating an environment favorable for bacterial growth.
People suffering from this medical condition often complain about abdominal discomfort. Initially, the pain remains restricted to the upper area of the abdomen but over time the pain spreads to the shoulder and the back area. Other than abdominal pain, the person may also observe nauseating feeling. This vomiting sensation can also have a negative impact on his appetite. The desire to eat food goes down considerably in people affected with this condition.
In order to relieve the symptoms, painkillers might be recommended. This condition occurs as a consequence of bacterial infections and so, the doctor may also prescribe a dose of antibiotics. Unfortunately, in most cases, oral medication is a temporary solution as it is observed that this condition is a recurring problem. So, in most cases a surgery is recommended to resolve the issue. It is explain below:
Surgical procedure, known as cholecystectomy, is regarded as safe and a permanent solution to resolve this issue. So in order to remove the gallbladder, incisions are made in the right portion of the abdomen. Surgical instruments that have an attached video camera are then inserted through these incisions and its images are then used while taking out the gallbladder.
One of the best ways to prevent this bacterial infection is to follow a healthy lifestyle. Having meals on time, following a cholecystitis diet as well as exercising regularly can certainly help to keep gallbladder problems at bay.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.