Considering sinus surgery as an option for treatment of chronic sinus disease is welcomed by doctors, as it provides relief from the frequent problems caused by sinus. Know about the process in this article.
Sinus surgery, like any other medical operation, has its own share of risks and benefits. Most of the time, the endoscopic techniques are performed by surgeons to treat sinus, as they’re less invasive and with no external incisions. It is to be noted that endoscopic sinus surgery recovery phase demands exceptional patient care, as post operative care is equally important as the surgery itself.
Sinus Surgery Recovery Time
The severity of surgery determines, to quite a large extent, the number of days a person has to stay in the hospital. Painful and lengthy recovery is a possibility in very complex surgeries; however, with care and adequate medical help, healing is possible in a relatively less time. For minor sinus surgery procedures, the patient may be required to take at the most 3 – 4 days off at work. The surgeon informs the patient about the surgery (normal or complex) during diagnosis stage. In minor surgeries, post operative concerns are less in number. Headaches and the issue of bloody mucous drainage causes discomfort to patients in the first two nights after surgery. Little, mild or no pain is experienced by some patients going for minor surgeries in the treatment of sinus.
Medical support is a must during first few days of the surgery. In complex sinus procedures, the recovery time is relatively longer and it varies from patient to patient. At least 7 days of bed rest is essential for people who’ve undergone some complex sinus surgery operations. This may include septoplasty, that is also accompanied by post operative pain. In major surgeries, patient has to the face lots of discomfort in the first 3 days post operation, as breathing is very difficult due to packing of the nose area. It is only after the packing is removed, that the patient feels quite better and the nose heals faster. The issue of bloody drainage may continue for few days and requires medical assistance to control it effectively.
Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Recovery Phase: Dos and Don’ts
For chronic sinus infection, surgery is the only option to treat it permanently. Before and after operation, patients must make a note of some vital points regarding this surgery.
Getting Ready for Operation
✔ Schedule your operation in a way that you have two weeks free. Cancel all your commitments prior to your operation.
✘ Stop smoking few days before the operation as it increases the risk for sinus surgery complications. It is better to quit smoking completely, as it increases your chances of suffering from various risks associated to this surgery. Even your partner must stop smoking as passive smoking hurts just like active smoking.
✔ You can take medicines six to eight hours prior to operation.
✘ You won’t be allowed to eat anything six hours before the surgery.
✔ Discuss all queries, questions with your nurse, anesthesiologist and surgeon.
✔ Answer all questions asked by medical staff properly, even though they may interview you for long duration. It is essential to ask you various questions to prevent any mistakes during operation. Hence, have patience while you’re being asked same questions frequently.
During your hospital stay post surgery, specialized nurses will look after you. A dedicated team of medical staff will help you to heal the surgery faster. During that phase, you’ll be instructed on precautions and steps to heal the surgery faster. Your family members or care takers must also keep in mind all instructions of the nurses and doctors so that once you go home, you don’t have to face any problems.
At Home Recovery
✔ Follow all instructions given by the nurse regarding safety adequately. Take all medicines on time.
✘ Don’t blow your nose at least one week after surgery. It is acceptable to sniff back, but do it slowly.
✘ Avoid any intense activity, be it sex or going out and running for one week after surgery.
✔ Keep a track of your improvement and do strenuous activities, only if you feel, you’re ready for them. Consult your surgeon/doctor before starting any such activity.
✘ Avoid being infected from cold or flu virus. Maintain adequate temperature in your room and don’t let cold affect you. Avoid large groups of people.
✘ Swimming and diving are not allowed unless your surgery heals.
✘ Excessive alcohol intake is also not allowed. You can ask your doctor regarding very limited drinking after meals but ideally avoid alcohol.
One of the most vital aspects of surgery recovery is that the patient must be in constant touch with their surgeons. Many surgeons call patients to the hospital for cleaning nose cavities or checking the improvement in healing of the nose. Many doctors also visit the patient’s home to check the health status so that risks can be eliminated.
Support of family members and presence of a care taker during the process of recovery can make the entire process of post operative care a great success. Since every individual is different, any reports of complications or side effects at any stage of recovery, especially while the patient is in the home must be immediately addressed to the concerned doctors.