An exophytic renal cyst is an inside-out cyst formation in the kidney, when there is a build up of fluid as an aftereffect of its presence. Find out more about renal cysts here, its causes, symptoms, and treatment for the same…
Exactly what is an exophytic renal cyst? It is a cyst that grows from the inside-out from the organ in question, where there is a multiplying of these cysts within the kidney, which also leads to a build up of fluid. There are two kinds of cysts that can occur, one being a simple renal cyst, which is filled with liquid – with cysts with a thin wall lining itself with no problems from the first glance. The cyst only contains fluid upon observation, which is seen as either clear or yellow in color after it’s been removed. It doesn’t pose as a risk for future kidney cancer, so patients can breathe a sigh of relief knowing this detail.
The second kind of kidney cyst that comes into the picture is a complex renal cyst which is the opposite of the previous kind, in that the cyst is irregular when the lining is observed along with its shape as well. The features of the cysts vary depending on the type it is, for example, if it is a cyst that has fine walls or those that are coarse and thick, it would mean that it is malignant in nature, thus posing as a risk for developing into kidney cancer.
When other kinds of cysts are ‘calcified‘ it means that there are visible traces of calcium deposits within the cyst. These can be abundant or not very much in content (calcium) where there may be tissue present in it that is ‘enhanced‘. This means that a part of the cyst gets blood supply which is noticeable during radiologic testing. This case may have to undergo treatment since it too can prove to be cancerous, requiring a urologist’s intervention.
When one suffers from renal cyst, there are certain kidney problems that fuel the onset of these renal cysts, letting them take form within the kidneys gradually. Sometimes patients aren’t aware of the presence of these cysts, since simple renal cysts pose as harmless and not cancerous.
Medullary Cystic Kidney
These are small-sized cysts that are found in both kidneys at the same time, where these organs can fail in the long run. Dialysis is needed as a treatment measure there on.
Normal Cyst
These cysts occur in clusters of up to five in total, that are found in normal kidneys that have no disease to begin with as the cause of these appearing.
Infantile/Polycystic Kidney Disease
Hundreds of cysts form bundles of each other in the kidney that can arise as early as from one’s childhood.
Medullary Sponge Kidney
This doesn’t look like a problem that leads up to kidney failure although issues like kidney pain, infections and stones can occur. The presence of small cysts make this an evident problem within the kidneys.
Adult Polycystic Kidney Disease
Like infantile kidney disease, cysts crowd the kidney’s insides with its presence in hundreds of clusters.
When the troubles of a cyst occur, while later progressing – there are signs that take form in the body that signal patients that there is an internal problem related to one’s kidneys. There can be blood present in the urine as well as problems like urinary tract infection. These kidney cyst symptoms can take years for one to notice them. Abdominal aches, lower back pain and headaches are other signs that crop up upon a person. Pain can elevate its levels by showcasing unbearable aches in the abdominal region due to the build up of calcium in the cysts. High blood pressure is another evident sign of this disease. Symptoms do not arise for years after the cyst formation occurs initially, taking time to cause considerable damage once women/men reach their 50s.
The renal cyst treatment methods that are available to patients can range from ordinary to complicated depending on what type of problem one ails from. We look at the different options that are available for patients.
Laparoscopic Cyst Decortication
There are two surgical methods (aspiration and sclerosis) that come into action that are first tried out – if all fails, then laparoscopic cyst decortication is put forward. Here a small incision is made, where the body spaces are inflated with gas carefully, to help identify the cyst. The walls are then cut out to prevent it from causing future problems in the patient.
Sclerosis and Aspiration
Using a CT scan or ultrasound as a guide, the doctors place a needle through the skin layer, piercing it and then using it as a suction tool to drain out the fluid present in the cyst. This method is called aspiration. Sclerosis is when the radiologist injects material into the space of the cyst, ‘sclerosing‘ it upon insertion. This means that it is being scarred down. The problem with this procedure is that cysts can recur, although it is a less invasive procedure, and therefore a better option to go with.
An exophytic renal cyst can be treated depending on what kind of cyst it is that the person is suffering from. Some cysts are curable with no chance of further advancing into something that will be detrimental to one’s health. Constant checkups are necessary, along with a past family check for previous cases in the line of members.