Pain in ear, ringing sound, dizziness and hearing loss are some of the symptoms of fluid in ear. Find out what are the fluid in ears causes and how it can be treated. Just read on..
The ear is a sensory organ that not only aids in hearing but helps to maintain the balance of our body. It is divided into three different parts: outer ear, middle ear and inner ear. Fluid build up in the ear is usually observed in the middle ear. The middle ear is filled up with air, but due to some reasons this fluid may be replaced by air. The inner ear may also face this problem but this is a very rare phenomenon. Usually the fluid drains on its own, from the eustachian tube to the back of the throat, but in some cases it gets trapped inside and may give birth to many problems. Hence, it is very important to know the fluid in ear causes so as to avoid complications. Let’s find out the causes behind this ear problem.
Causes of Fluid in the Ear
Fluid in ear can build up due to many reasons. It is a mucous like liquid which usually gets collected in the middle ear. This trapped fluid may result in many other bacterial, viral and fungal infections which in severe conditions may even cause hearing loss. Following are some of the causes of fluid in the ear which will help you to avoid such situations or get them diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.
Infections such as cold, sinus or throat infection may block the eustachian tube which helps in draining the fluid that enters the ear canal. This may trap the water in the middle ear which gives a perfect environment for the virus and bacteria to grow and flourish. Viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus and influenza virus and bacteria like Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are some of the most common causes of an ear infection.
Swimmer’s Ear
This is usually observed in swimmers hence it is known as swimmer’s ear. It is also known as otitis externa and is caused in the ear canal. When dirty and contaminated water remains inside the ear for a long period of time it gives birth to bacterial infection. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is the most commonly found bacteria which flourishes in contaminated water trapped inside the ear. This infection may further lead to pain, redness, pus formation, swelling and itching.
Allergies can also cause fluid in the ear. Nasal and sinus allergies may result in swelling in the tissues of the eustachian tube’s opening. This may result in blockage and the water gets trapped inside the middle ear. Hence, the microorganisms will get a chance to spread their colonies which may result in various infections.
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
In children and infants the eustachian tube is underdeveloped. This is the reason it is small and has a small curvature. This makes it prone to fluid in ear conditions which in turn leads to ear infections. As the age increases the eustachian tube develops and the fluid stops getting trapped inside the ear canal. This problem can also be seen in some adults who have an underdeveloped eustachian tube.
Fluid in Ears Treatment
Fluid in ear may trigger pain, swelling, ringing in ear, formation of cyst and pus, and in worst cases it can cause hearing loss. The fluid gets drained out by itself, but if it is trapped and has caused ear infection then one needs to consult an ENT specialist. He may prescribe some antibiotics to get rid of the infection. Medications and ear drops may be prescribed to treat its causes. This will help in the draining of the fluid which will automatically give you relief from infection. You can use a heating pad to get relief from the pain as it is one of the most effective fluid in ear remedy.
Fluid in ears can cause many complications. Hence try to prevent the fluid from getting trapped inside the ear, and if it does, then get it treated as early as possible. Take care of children and infants as ear infections can cause hearing impairment.