As such there are no specific foods and diet will be modified after considering the symptoms the patient is suffering from.
There are medications specifically formulated to relieve irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms but they don’t work unless the medicinal dosage is supported by a proper diet. Usually, staying away from foods that trigger IBS is enough to manage symptoms of this intestinal disorder. Bloating, abdominal pain, and disturbed bowel function (constipation, diarrhea) are some of the IBS symptoms. Following article discusses foods that need to be excluded from IBS diet.
Foods that Worsen IBS
Gaseous Foods
Bloating and abdominal cramping is one of the most common symptoms of IBS. Gassy foods (Brussel sprouts, asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, beans, artichokes) promote buildup of intestinal gas, which can make bloating more severe. IBS patients can get into trouble when they have meals that contain gaseous foods.
Dairy Products
IBS patients complaining about diarrhea need to avoid dairy products. This is because, dairy products that are derived from cow’s or buffalo’s milk aggravate diarrhea. So, one should exclude milk, ice cream, butter, cheese, buttermilk, and chocolate from the diet.
Fried Foods
A low-fat diet is often recommended to control IBS. As fried foods are high in saturated fats, they cannot be included in low-fat diet. Be it french fries, potato chips or fried chicken, they are loaded with saturated fats, hence can aggravate IBS.
Red Meat
Recipes that are made using red meat are likely to worsen symptoms of IBS. This is because, red meat and even egg yolk is high in fats and moreover it is no easy to digest. Red meat include roasted beef, grounded beef, hotdogs, pork, and cornered beef. Any meat that is derived from deer, sheep, and goat are also categorized as red meat and so must be avoided.
Drinking alcoholic beverages may give the feeling of euphoria but it is sure to trouble IBS patients. It is a known fact that alcohol and irritable bowel syndrome do not go well together. Even drinking in moderation aggravates IBS symptoms. So, if one is serious about avoiding IBS attacks, staying away from alcohol is a must.
Reports suggest that certain beverages can also exacerbate IBS symptoms. Caffeinated beverages such as coffee, hot cocoa, and tea are notorious for irritating the gastrointestinal tract. So, having just a cup of coffee can cause a considerable amount of discomfort in IBS patients.
Fruits that are highly acidic also have to be discarded from the diet. Citrus fruits like oranges, although high in vitamin C should be avoided. Fructose, a simple form of sugar can aggravate stomach pain associated with IBS. Eating fruits that have high fructose content is one of the primary factors responsible for triggering IBS attacks. Studies show that dried fruits, bananas, grapes, and melons have a substantial amount of fructose. On the other hand, one can include fruits like blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries in IBS diet as they contain fructose in meager amounts.
Many times, a proper diet alone can work wonders to control IBS effectively. So, make sure you follow a recommended diet to prevent IBS from becoming bothersome.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a medical expert.