Although benign, Fordyce’s spots can become a cause of cosmetic concern. The following article provides information on this skin condition.
Named after the American dermatologist, John Addison Fordyce, Fordyce’s granules or spots are raised, yellowish-white bumps that can appear on certain parts of the body. They can appear singly or in a clustered form. These are usually painless, and don’t cause any complication. However, some of the affected people might feel conscious about such spots, especially if they are present on the lips (vermilion border). These could also appear on the genitals, cheeks, and tongue. This condition is also referred to as sebaceous prominence.
Contributing Factors
Contrary to what most people may assume, this condition is not caused by any kind of infection, nor it is some form of a sexually transmitted disease (STD). It is a dermatological condition. These are ectopic sebaceous glands. Normally, sebaceous glands are found in association with hair follicles. However, in this condition, these are present on the skin.
These spots might eventually go away, even without any treatment. Many people follow a wait-and-watch approach, as the problem is benign and self-resolving. However, if you find the spots a cosmetic concern, it would be best to consult a dermatologist, who would prescribe skin care products that can make these spots disappear at a faster rate.
Tretinoin cream or gel is known to be a popular treatment option. Most people have reported that using this product has made these spots look less prominent. Experts say that the efficacy of this product can be increased by using it in combination with an alpha hydroxy acid agent.
The use of Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) chemical peels might work in some cases. As the name suggests, the product helps peel off the skin on the spots. This in turn causes significant improvement in the appearance of the spots. However, the treatment, when used on lips, makes the area extremely sensitive. So, it is required to keep the lips moisturized. Also, there’s a possibility of the recurrence of the spots, if the treatment is discontinued.
Some people may go for a procedure which is known as cryosurgery. It involves destroying the bumps, by using liquid nitrogen. The only drawback of this method is that there’s a possibility of damage to the surrounding tissues or nerves. Electrodessication or the use of pulsed dye laser might prove beneficial in some cases.
On a concluding note, this condition is harmless, but could become a cause of cosmetic concern when it affects the conspicuous parts of the body such as the lips, cheeks, etc. However, these spots could also resolve with time. If these spots seem to be affecting your confidence, consult a dermatologist.
Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is solely for educating the reader. It is not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a dermatologist.