Do you get these painless small spots, pale in color, around your genitals called Fordyce’s spots? Then don’t worry, these days several treatment options are available, and most importantly, there are plenty of home remedies as well.
Fordyce’s spots, a common skin condition most people face, are small elevated yellow outgrowths that develop on the labia, penis, cheeks, tongue, mouth, and lips. Many times, you may find this condition affecting the lower lip as well. This condition usually results when the sebaceous glands overgrow, and when this happens, the hair follicles are removed. The condition is harmless but the spots are not very pleasant looking. There are no fixed treatments for these spots, and they tend to subside with time. However, you can still try out a few options at home to get rid of them.
A common mistake people make is that they think Fordyce’s spots and genital warts are similar. However, they are different and the main difference is that the former are tiny bumps of the size of a pinhead while the latter are much larger and round in shape.
How to Get Rid of Fordyce’s Spots
➜ As mentioned above, even if you don’t take any medications for these spots, they would cure with time. However, if you are still looking for some treatment, there are some options which you can resort to. One of the best treatment options is the application of Tretinoin cream or gel on the affected area.
➜ Applying it would curb the condition and prevent it from spreading further. You can use Tretinoin along with alpha hydroxy acid agents for better results. In some cases, it has been found that if the application of this medication is stopped, the spots reappear. So, you need to keep applying Tretinoin so as to prevent the spots from reoccurring.
➜ After using it, if the condition remains unchanged, you can opt to use Accutane. However, using Accutane has a few side effects, like headache, depression, poor night vision, urinary problems, rash, irritation of the eyes, nosebleeding, intestinal problems, itching, dry skin, temporary hair thinning, muscle and joint pain, and chapped lips.
➜ This medicine is strictly not recommended for pregnant women. Before using Accutane, it’s always better to consult a professional so that you don’t develop the side effects later on.
➜ Many doctors even prescribe TCA (trichloroacetic acid) chemical peels, but on the downside, they reappear if the treatment is stopped. You can also opt for methods like laser vaporization or liquid nitrogen freezing. Also, ensure that you do not scratch or pick the spots.
➜ You can also go for cryosurgery to get rid of this condition. This process involves the application of very cold temperatures to destroy the spots. The procedure does not cause much pain and is not invasive at all.
➜ However, the healthy nerves and tissues may be destroyed. Also, the area may become red and a slight pain may be felt, but that subsides within a day or two. At times, blisters may also be formed, but there is nothing to worry about them as they peel away after a few days.
Some Home Remedies
➜ One of the best options is to have a diet rich in garlic as it helps in killing the harmful bacteria in the mouth and bloodstream. Moreover, garlic is rich in folic acid which is necessary for the normal metabolism of the body.
➜ Moreover, you can also use Argania and tocopherol extract or jojoba oil for treatment, as they have been found to be successful in treating this condition.
So, there is nothing to worry about Fordyce’s spots as they are harmless and do not cause any pain. As is the case with all medical conditions, it’s always better to consult your doctor for details about more treatment options of this condition.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.