Anterior or front thigh pain is not a common problem; but, it can be associated with a number of causes. Here is more information on causes and treatment methods for the same.
We often experience pain in the leg due to various reasons. Pain is usually observed in the knees, calf region, feet and ankles. Thigh pain is quite rare and can be a symptom of several health conditions. Front or anterior thigh pain can be caused due to problems in the back, the spine or the thigh itself. Following are some of the major causes and symptoms of upper thigh pain on the front side.
Any injury or contusion on the thigh can result in pain. Similarly, a fracture in the thigh bone is also one of the major causes of anterior thigh pain. On the other hand, a pull or sprain in the ligament or the muscle can also lead to sharp pain in thigh when running. The pain is sudden and can last for a long time.
☞Rupture of the Quadriceps Muscle
A rupture in the quadriceps muscle, or the muscle of the thigh also results in sudden and severe thigh pain. It occurs when the muscle tears or strains during a strenuous activity. This condition is usually found in sportsmen while running, jumping or kicking.
Osteomyelitis is a defined as a bone infection caused due to bacteria. Bone infection usually occurs in long bones like thigh and upper arm bones, and can be acute or chronic. Sometimes, it may also occur as a side effect of a surgery. Symptoms of this condition include front thigh pain when sitting, tenderness, inflammation in the bone, etc.
Osteosarcoma is a type of cancer where cancerous cells originate in the bone. It is one of the most common types of bone tumor found in people. Pain and swelling in front of thigh are common symptoms of this condition. Other severe symptoms may also be observed, if the cancer has reached an advanced stage.
☞Charley Horse
Charley Horse, also known as dead leg or corked thigh, is a term used to describe spasms and cramps in legs, specially thighs. It can be a minor twitching that lasts for a few minutes, or even excruciating pain that lasts for a couple of hours. This condition can be caused due to several reasons like hormonal or mineral imbalance, neuropathy, etc.
Thigh pain during pregnancy is quite a common condition, experienced by a majority of women. It is caused due to increased size of the uterus, and increased body weight during pregnancy. The excess body weight exerts pressure on thighs and knees, resulting in pain.
Along with the above mentioned ones, rupture in tendons of thighs, inflammation in muscles, etc. can also lead to upper thigh pain. Many of these causes can be treated with the help of medication like painkillers and pain reliever sprays. As osteomyelitis is a bacterial infection, it can be treated with the help of antibiotics. On the other hand, osteosarcoma needs to be treated with traditional cancer treatment methods of radiation, surgery and chemotherapy. Secondly, during pregnancy, women need to take rest; and avoid sitting or sleeping in uncomfortable position, or standing for a long time. As home remedies, use of ice packs, compression or elevation and complete rest are the effective methods to relieve thigh pain and numbness.
As a concluding note, if any type of thigh pain is observed, one should consult the doctor immediately in order to get it treated effectively. Sportsmen should be careful and try to avoid injuries to the leg and thighs. Lastly, note that the aforementioned information is not to be substituted for proper medical advice. Take care!