It is necessary to know about the symptoms of a gallbladder infection, because they are often misinterpreted as indicants of routine stomach disorders hence are neglected.
Statistics show that millions of men and women are diagnosed with gallbladder problems every year in the U.S., alone. The symptoms should not be taken lightly as development of gallstones or a worsened condition can not only damage the organ but also result in the failure of other vital organs. Inflammation of the gallbladder due to an infection is known as cholecystitis. Early detection of the problem can help in avoiding the painful and expensive gallbladder removal surgery and other serious consequences. Read on to know about the symptoms of an infected gallbladder and a few treatment options.
Symptoms Observed
Development of cholelithiasis (presence of gallstones) leads to the blockage of the cystic duct, which in turn results in the obstruction of the bile flow. Chemicals in the accumulated bile or gut organisms, like E. coli cause gallbladder problems. When the bile thickens due to the presence of gallstones, it can get infected by E.coli that normally inhabit the intestines. The indicants of cholecystitis include:
☛ Pain in the right upper quadrant of the body
☛ Pain while coughing and indulging in any physical activity, like walking, getting up, etc.
☛ Experiencing increasing pain upon breathing deeply
☛ Pain after the consumption of fatty or greasy food items
☛ Low to high-grade fever with chills
☛ Loss of appetite and fatigue
☛ Dark urine and grayish stools
☛ Frequent belching and excessive burping
☛ Feeling of fullness, heartburn, and chest pain
☛ Back pain and pain between the shoulder blades
☛ A low blood pressure and rigid abdomen are indicative of a gangrenous gallbladder.
☛ Nausea, vomiting or indigestion, gas, and diarrhea are some of the common indicants of gallbladder problems.
☛ Severe abdominal pain due to intestinal obstruction can be experienced if the perforated gallbladder abnormally connects with the small bowel, forming a fistula. This complicated problem is known as gallstone ileus.
☛ Infection of the bile duct, formation of an abscess, and gallbladder perforation can result in jaundice. Yellowish skin and eyes indicate blockage of the pancreatic duct due to gallstones. Extreme pain can also be a symptom of gallstone pancreatitis.
Parents should watch for gallbladder symptoms in children, as they need prompt medical attention. Studies show that the indicants in women are often neglected, as they are misinterpreted as indicants of stomach disorders, menstruation, or menopause. Some women develop gallbladder problems even during pregnancy. In any case, consultation with an expert physician is essential to avoid serious consequences.
A Few Treatment Options
☛ If any of the above symptoms are noticed, then you should consult your doctor immediately. Various tests like ultrasonography, blood tests, X-ray, magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP detect the presence of gallstones and exact underlying cause of the problem.
☛ A gallbladder diet and gallstone removal surgery help in treating the indicants.
☛ A low-fat diet helps in managing the symptoms efficiently. Pear juice helps in reducing the pain. A low-calorie, low-cholesterol diet is recommended to prevent the formation of gallstones.
☛ Caffeinated beverages, alcoholic drinks, and red meat can aggravate the pain and so these need to be avoided.
☛ Consume more green leafy vegetables and fresh fruits and avoid fast food, fried, fatty, and greasy foods.
☛ Including healthy fats like omega-3 fatty acids in your diet can help in improving the health.
If all these natural remedies fail to relieve the pain and other symptoms of infection, then gallbladder surgery (removal of gallbladder) is the only option left to get rid of gallstones and the related problems. Too much body weight and high cholesterol levels go hand in hand. High cholesterol increases the chances of having gallstones. Losing weight with the help of a weight-loss diet helps in reducing the cholesterol levels significantly. This helps in reducing the chances of developing gallstones as well as gallbladder problems.
Disclaimer: This HealthHearty article is for informative purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for expert medical advice.